Parameter | Description | Required |
rabbitmq.server.host.name | Host name of the server. | Yes |
rabbitmq.server.port | Port number of the server. | Yes |
rabbitmq.exchange.name | The name of the RabbitMQ exchange to which the queue is bound. Use this parameter instead of | No |
rabbitmq.queue.routing.key | The exchange and queue binding key that will be used to route messages. | No |
rabbitmq.replyto.name | The name of the call back queue. Specify this parameter if you expect a response. | No |
rabbitmq.queue.delivery.mode | The delivery mode of the queue. Possible values are 1 and 2. | No |
rabbitmq.exchange.type | The type of the exchange. | No |
rabbitmq.queue.name | The queue name to send or consume messages. If you do not specify this parameter, you need to specify the rabbitmq.queue.routing.key parameter. | Yes |
rabbitmq.queue.durable | Whether the queue should remain declared even if the broker restarts. The default value is false . | No |
rabbitmq.queue.exclusive | Whether the queue should be exclusive or should be consumable by other connections. The default value is false | No |
rabbitmq.queue.auto.delete | Whether to keep the queue even if it is not being consumed anymore. The default value is false . | No |
rabbitmq.exchange.durable | Whether the exchange should remain declared even if the broker restarts. | No |
rabbitmq.queue.autodeclare | Whether to create queues if they are not present. However, you should set this parameter only if queues are declared prior on the broker. Setting this parameter in the publish URL to false improves RabbitMQ transport performance. | No |
rabbitmq.exchange.autodeclare | Whether to create exchanges if they are not present. However, you should set this parameter only if exchanges are declared prior on the broker. Setting this parameter in the publish URL to false improves RabbitMQ transport performance. | No |
For the rabbitmq.server
, properties refer to the server on which RabbitMQ is running.