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The JMS message store persists messages in a JMS queue inside a JMS Broker. The JMS message store can be configured by specifying the class as


Following is the Add JMS Message Store screen that you will see on the WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (WSO2 EI) Management Console.

When you add a JMS message store, it is required to specify values for the following:


Following is a sample JMS message store configuration that uses WSO2 MB as the Message Broker profile of WSO2 EI as the message broker:

Code Block
<messageStore name="JMSMS" class="" xmlns="">
   <parameter name="java.naming.factory.initial">org.wso2.andes.jndi.PropertiesFileInitialContextFactory</parameter>
   <parameter name="java.naming.provider.url">repository/conf/</parameter>
   <parameter name="store.jms.destination">ordersQueue</parameter>
   <parameter name="store.jms.connection.factory">queue</parameter>
   <parameter name="store.jms.JMSSpecVersion">1.1</parameter>

When using WSO2 MB you use the Message Broker profile as the message broker and configuring configure a Message Processor with, if WSO2 MB the Message Broker profile does not get an acknowledgment from EIthe Integration profile, it re-sends the message resulting that results in duplicate messages being delivered. To avoid this, add the following line in the <EI_HOME>/bin/ file:

-DAndesAckWaitTimeOut=3600000 \


Code Block
<messageStore name="JMSMS" class="" xmlns="">
   <parameter name="java.naming.factory.initial">org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory</parameter>
   <parameter name="java.naming.provider.url">tcp://localhost:61616</parameter>
   <parameter name="store.jms.destination">ordersQueue</parameter>
   <parameter name="store.jms.connection.factory">queue</parameter>
   <parameter name="store.jms.JMSSpecVersion">1.1</parameter>

When configuring you configure a JMS message store with WSO2 MB or Active MQ the Message Broker profile or ActiveMQ, you need to copy the required client libraries to the <EI_HOME>/repository/component/lib directory. If the relevant client libraries are not copied, you will see a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

For information on the client libraries you need to copy when configuring a JMS message store with WSO2 MBthe Message Broker profile, see Configure with WSO2 the Message Broker profile.

For information on the client libraries you need to copy when configuring a JMS message store with ActiveMQ, see Configure with ActiveMQ.
