Deploy the following proxy service using instructions in Adding a Proxy Service.
Note the property, <property xmlns:m0=" http://services.samples " name="stockprop" expression="$body/m0:getQuote"/> in the configuration. It is used to log the first <m0:getQuote> element of the request SOAP body.Code Block language html/xml <proxy xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="StockQuoteProxy" transports="https,http" statistics="disable" trace="disable" startOnLoad="true"> <target> <inSequence> <log> <property xmlns:m0="http://services.samples" name="stockprop" expression="$body/m0:getQuote"/> </log> <send> <endpoint> <address uri="http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService"/> </endpoint> </send> </inSequence> <outSequence> <send/> </outSequence> </target> <description></description> </proxy>
Send the following StockQuote request using the sample StockQuote client. For information on working with the sample client, see Using the Sample Clients.
Code Block language xml ant stockquote -Daddurl=http://localhost:8280/services/StockQuoteProxy
Note the following message in the log.
Code Block [2013-03-18 14:04:41,019] INFO - LogMediator To: /services/StockQuoteProxy, WSAction: urn:getQuote, SOAPAction: urn:getQuote, ReplyTo: http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous, MessageID: urn:uuid:930f68f5-199a-4eff-90d2-ea679c2362ab, Direction: request, stockprop = <m0:getQuotexmlns:m0="http://services.samples"><m0:request><m0:symbol>IBM</m0:symbol></m0:request></m0:getQuote>
Deploy the following proxy service using instructions in Adding a Proxy Service .
Note the property, <property xmlns:wsa=" http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing " name="stockprop" expression="$header/wsa:To"/> in the configuration. It is used to log the value of wsa:To header of the SOAP request.Code Block language html/xml <proxy xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="StockQuoteProxy" transports="https,http" statistics="disable" trace="disable" startOnLoad="true"> <target> <inSequence> <log> <property xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing" name="stockprop" expression="$header/wsa:To"/> </log> <send> <endpoint> <address uri="http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService"/> </endpoint> </send> </inSequence> <outSequence> <send/> </outSequence> </target> <description></description> </proxy>
Send the following StockQuote request using the sample StockQuote client. For information on working with the sample client, see Using the Sample Clients.
Code Block language xml ant stockquote -Daddurl=http://localhost:8280/services/StockQuoteProxy
Note the following message in the log.
Code Block [2013-03-18 14:14:16,356] INFO - LogMediator To: http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService, WSAction: urn:getQuote, SOAPAction: urn:getQuote, ReplyTo: http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous, MessageID: urn:uuid:8a64c9cb-b82f-4d6f-a45d-bef37f8b664a, Direction: request, stockprop = http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService
Deploy the following proxy service using instructions in Adding a Proxy Service.
Note the property, <property name="stockprop" expression="$axis2:REST_URL_POSTFIX"/> in the configuration which is used to log the REST_URL_POSTFIX value of the request message.Code Block language html/xml <proxy xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="StockQuoteProxy" transports="https,http" statistics="disable" trace="disable" startOnLoad="true"> <target> <inSequence> <log> <property name="stockprop" expression="$axis2:REST_URL_POSTFIX"/> </log> <send> <endpoint> <address uri="http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService"/> </endpoint> </send> </inSequence> <outSequence> <send/> </outSequence> </target> <description></description> </proxy>
Send the following StockQuote request using the sample StockQuote client. For information on working with the sample client, see Using the Sample Clients.
Code Block language xml ant stockquote -Daddurl=http://localhost:8280/services/StockQuoteProxy/test/prefix
Note the following message in the log.
Code Block INFO - LogMediator To: http://localhost:8280/services/StockQuoteProxy/test/prefix, WSAction: urn:getQuote, SOAPAction: urn:getQuote, ReplyTo: http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous, MessageID: urn:uuid:ecd228c5-106a-4448-9c83-3b1e957e2fe5, Direction: request, stockprop = /test/prefix
Similarly, you can use $axis2 prefix with HTTP Transport Properties.
Prefix for Synapse MessageContext properties and gets a property at the default scope. For example, to get the value of Synapse message context property with name ERROR_MESSAGE, use the XPath expression $ctx:ERROR_MESSAGE. We have discussed an example below.
Deploy the following proxy service using instructions in Adding a Proxy Service.
Note the property, <property name="stockerrorprop" expression="$ctx:ERROR_MESSAGE"/> in the fault sequence configuration. It is used to log the error message that occurs due to a mediation fault.Code Block language html/xml <proxy xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="StockQuoteProxy" transports="https,http" statistics="disable" trace="disable" startOnLoad="true"> <target> <inSequence> <send> <endpoint key="ep2"/> </send> </inSequence> <outSequence> <send/> </outSequence> <faultSequence> <log> <property name="stockerrorprop" expression="$ctx:ERROR_MESSAGE"/> <property name="Cause" expression="get-property('ERROR_MESSAGE')"/> </log> </faultSequence> </target> <description></description> </proxy>
Send the following StockQuote request using the sample StockQuote client. For information on working with the sample client, see Using the Sample Clients.
Code Block language xml ant stockquote -Dtrpurl=http://localhost:8280/services/StockQuoteProxy
Note the following message in the log.
Code Block INFO - LogMediator To: /services/StockQuoteProxy, WSAction: urn:getQuote, SOAPAction: urn:getQuote, ReplyTo: http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous, MessageID: urn:uuid:54205f7d-359b-4e82-9099-0f8e3bf9d014, Direction: request, stockerrorprop = Couldn't find the endpoint with the key : ep2
In this example, the property definition, <property name="stockerrorprop" expression="$ctx:ERROR_MESSAGE"/> is equivalent to <property name="stockerrorprop" expression="get-property('ERROR_MESSAGE')"/>.
Similarly, you can use $ctx prefix with Generic Properties.
Prefix used to get the transport headers. For example, to get the transport header named Content-Type of the current message, use the XPath expression $trp:Content-Type. HTTP transport headers are not case sensitive. Therefore, $trp:Content-Type and $trp:CONTENT-TYPE are regarded as the same. We have discussed an example below.
Deploy the following proxy service using instructions given in section Adding a Proxy Service.
Note the property, <property name="stockprop" expression="$trp:Content-Type"/> in the configuration, which is used to log the Content-Type HTTP header of the request message.
Code Block language html/xml <proxy xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="StockQuoteProxy" transports="https,http" statistics="disable" trace="disable" startOnLoad="true"> <target> <inSequence> <log> <property name="stockprop" expression="$trp:Content-Type"/> </log> <send> <endpoint> <address uri="http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService"/> </endpoint> </send> </inSequence> <outSequence> <send/> </outSequence> </target> <description></description> </proxy>
Send the following StockQuote request using the sample StockQuote client. For information on working with the sample client, see Using the Sample Clients.
Code Block language xml ant stockquote -Daddurl=http://localhost:8280/services/StockQuoteProxy
Note the following message in the log.
Code Block [2013-03-18 12:23:14,101] INFO - LogMediator To: http://localhost:8280/services/StockQuoteProxy, WSAction: urn:getQuote, SOAPAction: urn:getQuote, ReplyTo: http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous, MessageID: urn:uuid:25a3143a-5b18-4cbb-b8e4-27d4dd1895d2, Direction: request, stockprop = text/xml; charset=UTF-8
In this example, the property definition, <property name="stockprop" expression="$trp:Content-Type"/> is equivalent to <property name="stockprop" expression="get-property('transport','Content-Type')"/>. Similarly, you can use $trp prefix with HTTP Transport Properties.
The prefix used to get the URI element of a request URL.
Create a REST API with the following configuration using instructions given in page Working with APIs.
Code Block language xml <api xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="Editing" context="/editing"> <resource methods="GET" uri-template="/edit?a={symbol}&b={value}"> <inSequence> <log level="full"> <property name="SYMBOL" expression="$url:a"></property> <property name="VALUE" expression="$url:b"></property> </log> <respond></respond> </inSequence> </resource> </api>
Send a request to the REST API you created using a browser as follows:
Code Block language xml
You will see the following in the log:
Code Block language xml LogMediator To: /editing/edit?a=wso2&b=2.4, MessageID: urn:uuid:36cb5ad7-f150-490d-897a-ee7b86a9307d, Direction: request, SYMBOL = wso2, VALUE = 2.4, Envelope: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"><soapenv:Body></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>
The prefix used to refer to a particular parameter value passed externally by an invoker such as the Call Template Mediator.
Example of $func usage:
Add a sequence template with the following configuration. See Adding a New Sequence Template for detailed instructions.
Code Block language xml <template xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="HelloWordLogger"> <sequence> <log level="full"> <property xmlns:ns2="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd" xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd" name="message" expression="$func:message"></property> </log> </sequence> </template>
Deploy the following proxy service using instructions given in section Adding a Proxy Service .
Code Block language xml <proxy xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="StockQuoteProxy" transports="https,http" statistics="disable" trace="disable" startOnLoad="true"> <target> <inSequence> <call-template target="HelloWorldLogger"> <with-param name="message" value="HelloWorld"/> </call-template> <log/> </inSequence> <outSequence> <send/> </outSequence> <endpoint> <address uri="http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService"/> </endpoint> </target> <description/> </proxy>
Send the following StockQuote request using the sample StockQuote client. For information on working with the sample client, see Using the Sample Clients.
Code Block language xml ant stockquote -Daddurl=http://localhost:8280/services/StockQuoteProxy
Note the following message in the log.
Code Block language xml LogMediator To: http://localhost:8280/services/StockQuoteProxy, WSAction: urn:getQuote, SOAPAction: urn:getQuote, ReplyTo: http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous, MessageID: urn:uuid:8d90e21b-b5cc-4a02-98e2-24b324fa704c, Direction: request, message = HelloWorld
Create an API with the following configuration. For information on how to create an API, see Working with APIs.
Code Block language xml <api context="/soapEnvelopeTest" name="SoapEnvelopeTest"> <resource url-mapping="/*"> <inSequence> <loopback/> </inSequence> <outSequence> <property name="messageType" scope="axis2" value="application/xml"/> <payloadFactory media-type="xml"> <format> <theData xmlns="http://some.namespace"> <item>$1</item> </theData> </format> <args> <arg evaluator="xml" expression="$env/*[local-name()='Body']/*[local-name()='jsonObject']/*"/> </payloadFactory> <property name="messageType" scope="axis2" value="application/json"/> <send/> </outSequence> </resource> </api>
Send a post request to the API you created (i.e.,http://localhost:8280/soapEnvelopeTest), with the following json payload using a rest client.
Code Block language xml {"content":{ "paramA": "ValueA", "paramB": "valueB" }}
You will receive the following response:
Code Block language xml {"theData":{"item":{"content":{"paramA":"ValueA","paramB":"valueB"}}}}