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This Sample sample demonstrates the use of dynamic keys with mediators. Here the XSLT Mediator is used to demonstrate the difference between the static and dynamic usage of keys.


For a list of prerequisites, see Prerequisites to Start see the prerequisites for starting the ESB Samplessamples.

Building the sample

The XML configuration for this sample is as follows: 


This configuration file  synapse_sample_16.xml is available in the <ESB<EI_HOME>/repositorysamples/samples service-bus directory.

To build the sample


According to the configuration file synapse_sample_16.xml, the  the first registry resource transform/transform.xslt is set as a property value. 

 Inside the XSLT mediator, the local property value is looked up using the Xpath expression get-property(). Similarly, any XPath expression can be enclosed within curly braces to denote that it is a dynamic key. Then the mediator evaluates the real value for that expression.

The second XSLT resource transform/transform_back.xslt is simply used as a static key. It is not included within curly braces since the mediator directly uses the static value as the key.


  • Run the following command from the <ESB<EI_HOME>/samples/axis2Client directory.

    Code Block
    ant stockquote -Daddurl=http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService -Dtrpurl=http://localhost:8280/ -Dmode=customquote

Analyzing the output

When you analyze the debug log output on the ESB console, you will see an output similar to that of Sample 8: Introduction to Static and Dynamic Registry Resources and Using XSLT Transformations.


You can try this sample with different local entries as the source with the correct target XPath values.
