If you are using the Cipher tool for the first time in your environment, you must first enable the Cipher tool by executing the -Dconfigure command with the cipher tool script:
- Open a terminal and navigate to the
directory directory. - Execute one of the following commands:
On Linux: ./bin/
ciphertool.sh -Dconfigure
On Windows: ./bin/
ciphertool.bat -Dconfigure
- Open a terminal and navigate to the
- Start the ESB profile of WSO2 EI and sign in to the management console:
- Open a terminal and navigate to the
directory. - Execute one of the following scripts:
- On Windows:
integrator.bat --run
- On Linux/Mac OS:
sh integrator.sh
- On Windows:
- Sign in to the management console.
- Open a terminal and navigate to the
- Go to Manage -> Secure Vault Tool and then click Manage Passwords on the Main tab of the management console. The Secure Vault Password Management screen appears.
- Click Add New Password to encrypt and store, and then specify values for the given fields as shown below. This creates a new password entry in the registry, which is encrypted with the alias (Vault Key) that you specify.
- Vault Key: The alias for the password.
- Password: The actual password.
- Re-enter password: The password that you specified as the actual password.