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An API creator blocks subscription to an API as a way of disabling access to it and managing its usage and monetization. Once blocked, the API cannot be invoked by either the consumers or the creator. A blocking can be temporary or permanent. 

You block APIs by subscriptions. For example, if a user is subscribed to two APIs using the same application, you can block subscription to one of the APIs only. There is also a unblock facility to allow API invocations back. Blocking can be done in two levels:

  • Block production and sandbox access: API access is blocked with both production and sandbox keys
  • Block production access only: Allows sandbox access only. Useful when you wants to fix and test an issue in an API. Rather than blocking all access, you can block production access only, allowing the developer to fix and test.

When API Gateway caching is enabled (it is enabled by default), even after blocking a subscription, consumers might still be able to access APIs until the cache expires. If you want a blocking to be effective immediately, you can restart the server. That will refresh the cache.


See the following topics for a description of the concepts that you need to know when you block subscriptions to an API:

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APIMShared:Block Subscription to an API
APIMShared:Block Subscription to an API