Versions Compared


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This section demonstrates a few practical examples of the WSO2 Business Activity Monitor, their objectives and expected behavior.

Child pages (Children Display)


Toolbox that comes with these samples is using embedded H2 database to persist summarized data. Out-of-the-box, it only works with the default BAM installation. If the default settings are changed (port offset and h2 database), respective hive scripts should be edited accordingly.  eg:-   If BAM server offset=1, you should update the hive script as,  "cassandra.port" = "9161"


The following minimum requirements should be satisfied to run the samples.

  • Java Development Kit/JRE version 1.6.x or later. For installation instruction, refer to Installation Prerequisites.
  • Apache Ant 1.7.0 or later. For installation instruction, refer to section Installation Prerequisites.
  • Cygwin, if you are on Windows: BAM analytics framework depends on Apache Hadoop, which requires Cygwin ( in order to run in Windows. If you are on Windows, install at least the basic , net (OpenSSH,tcp_wrapper packages) and security related Cygwin packages. After Cygwin installation, update the PATH variable with ";C:\cygwin\bin" and restart the server.

Execution details of the WSO2 Business Activity Monitor samples.