Before you beginThis document assumes that you have completed the Quick Start Guide. Create a fork of the sample aws-cicd-is-configurations repository. Create a clone of the forked artifact source repository. You can use the below command in command line. xmlIdentity Server Configuration sample repository will be cloned into your current working directory. Sample The sample configuration repository uses puppet to apply product configurations. Add a new JAR.- Copy the new jar file into “modules/is/files/lib” folder in the sample repository.
- Edit init.pp inside “modules/is/manifests” folder to copy the JAR into the product.
xmlUpdate Management console login credentials - Go to modules /is/manifests/params.pp in the sample repository.pp
- Update the below values to change the login credentials.
- Management Console Login Credentials
$admin_username $admin_password Edit template files- Product configurations are edited using puppet. .erb files for product templates are located inside “modules/is/templates/” folder.
- To add /or edit configurations, you need to add /or edit the .erb files.
- Refer Product Administration pages for more information.
Update Database CredentialsOnce the environments are setup, to change the database credentials follow below steps. - Login to Jenkins console.
- Go to Credentials
- Click credential with id ‘db_creds’
- Click Update on the left menu.
- Enter new Username and Password
- Click Save.
- Go to wso2is-5.8.0 job
- Click Build with parameters
- Click Build
Once the job is successful, database credentials will be updated. Production Best PracticesRefer WSO2 Production best practices guidelines.