Startup Option | Description |
-start | Starts the Carbon server using "nohup" in the background. This option is not available for Windows. |
-stop | Stops the Carbon server process. This option is not available for Windows. |
-restart | Restarts the Carbon server process. This option is not available for windows. |
-cleanRegistry | Cleans the registry space. Caution: All registry data will be lost. |
-debug <port> | Starts the server in remote debugging mode. The remote debugging port should be specified. |
-version | Shows the version of the product that you are running. |
-help | Lists all the available commands and system properties. |
Startup Options | Description |
-DosgiConsole=[port] | Starts the Carbon server with the Equinox OSGi console. If the optional 'port' parameter is provided, a telnet port will be opened. |
-DosgiDebugOptions=[options-file] | Starts the Carbon server with OSGi debugging enabled. Debug options are loaded from the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/cont/etc/osgi-debug.options . |
-Dsetup | Cleans the registry and other configurations, recreates DB, re-populates the configuration and starts the server. Note: It is not recommended to use this option in a production environment. Instead, you can manually run the DB scripts directly in the database. |
-DserverRoles=<roles> | A comma separated list of roles used in deploying Carbon applications. |
-DworkerNode | This property starts the server as a worker node. |
-Dprofile=<profileName> | Starts the server with the specified profile, e.g., worker profile. |
-Dtenant.idle.time=<time> | If a tenant is idle for the specified time, the tenant will be unloaded. The default tenant idle time is 30 minutes. This is required in clustered setups, which has master and worker nodes. |