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This page walks you through the development of a complete sample application. It includes the following sections:


Following is the logical solution diagram that we are going to use while implementing the solution. This diagram shows how each and every WSO2 Product incorparate to come up with end to end solution.

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In this sample, we are going to create seven projects for each and every component.


Now we want to enable JMS transport, since this service will communicate via JMS transport. To enable this, we need to add following block to services.xml under /src/main/resources/META-INF.


Now your services.xml will look like below.

New Server Runtime


Once you click this link, you will be prompted to select the CAR file you have saved to your file system. Upload it, then watch the console for messages that the CAR file has been deployed and the appropriate services have also been deployed.

New Server RuntimeImage Modified

You will find the following artifacts in different servers once you deploy the CAR file to all the servers. The application BankingSample should be listed in all the servers as well.


On the right hand side of the screen, under WSDL details, you will find a Create Instance link.

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Click this link. A new tab will open up displaying two windows for the request and response messages. The request message has been formatted for you and you only have to enter values into the appropriate placeholders.


Enter a random integer value for nid and a string for name. Also enter the string CURRENT for accountType. Click Send. The response should be displayed in the other window with four fields including a card number.

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2. Test the account opening process with an existing customer

Click Send again without changing any of the values in the request. The response displayed in the other window now only has two fields. One of them is a new account number. Significantly, there should be no field for card number because existing customers already have debit cards.

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