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This section describes some recommended performance tuning configurations to optimize BAM. It assumes that you have set up the BAM server on Unix/Linux, which is recommended for a production deployment. If you have high volume volumes of data with high concurrency, we also recommend you it is recommended to use a distributed BAM setup. For instructions, see our see product deployment and clustering guide.


The values we discuss discussed below are general recommendations only. They might not be the optimal for the specific hardware configurations in your environment. We recommend you to carry out load tests on your environment to tune the BAM accordingly.

Improvement AreaPerformance Recommendations
Data receiver nodes
  • Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
  • Change the /etc/security/limits.conf with the following values:

    Code Block
    * soft nofile 4096
    * hard nofile 65535
Analyzer nodesXms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
Dashboard nodesXms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
Hadoop nodes
  • Recommended OS: Linux
  • At least 10 GB storage capacity in each node
  • At least 100 Mbps network bandwidth
  • Set hadoop.root.logger=ERROR
Cassandra nodes
  • Have separate disks for your commit log and data dirs (sstables)
  • Set the Heap memory as follows:

    System memoryHeap size
    Less than 2 GB1/2 of system memory
    2-4 GB1 GB
    More than 4 GB1/4 system memory, but not more than 8GB
  • Set following configuration in cassandra.yaml according to your hardware resources:

    • concurrent_reads: 4 * no of cores
    • concurrent_writes: 8 * no of CPU cores

Also see in Cassandra documentation.For more information see Apache Cassandra 1.0 Documentation.

Memory size of Hive

In order to increase the memory size of Hive try the following configurations:

  • Increase the setting for the Hadoop heapsize. For example increase it to 4096 as shown below:
    export HADOOP_HEAPSIZE=4096
  • Add the below entry in the <BAM_HOME>/repository/conf/advanced/hive-site.xml file:  
Code Block
   <value> -server -Xmx512M</value>  