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The purpose of this guide is to get you started on creating and invoking a data service using WSO2 Data Services Server (WSO2 DSS) as quickly as possible. See the following topics for details:


  1. Download WSO2 DSS from here.
  2. Extract the zip ZIP file to a location in your computer. This location will be referred to as <DSS_HOME> from hereon.
  3. Download the JDBC driver for MySQL from here and copy it to your <DSS_HOME>/repository/components/lib directory.


  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the <DSS_HOME>/bin directory and execute the DSS startup script using one of the following commands:

    • On Windows: wso2server.bat
    • On Linux: sh
  2. When the product is started, the URL of the Management Console will be shown in the terminal as follows:


    INFO {org.wso2.carbon.ui.internal.CarbonUIServiceComponent} -  Mgt Console URL  :
  3. Copy this URL to your browser to open the Management Console.

  4. Log in to the management console using the default administrator credentials: admin/admin.


  1. Click Add New Datasource. You can now specify the datasource details. 
    1. In the Datasource ID field, enter 'MyDS'.
    2. In the Datasource Type field, select RDBMS from the list of values. 
  2. You will now be prompted to enter details of your RDBMS:
    Edit datasources page
  3. Enter the following details of your MySQL database in the relevant fields as shown above:
  4. Click Save to save the datasource.
  5. Click Next. This will take you to a new page for adding queries to your service. 


  1. Go to Services -> List to open the Deployed Services page.
  2. Click the data service (MyFirstDS) to open the service dashboard:
    Service dashboard
    See that the URL of the 'MyFirstDS' data service is listed under Endpointshttps://
  3. You can execute the getEmployees operation using the above URL. Simply copy this URL followed by the operation name as shown below.
  4. The result will be the same as with the TryIt tool:
    Operation result using HTTP GET request

This concludes the quick start guide for WSO2 DSS 3.5.0. You can find more advanced use cases in the User GuideTutorials.