Start the WSO2 CEP server with the sample configuration numbered 01100111. For instructions, see Starting sample CEP configurations. This sample configuration does the following:
Run the axis2 LogService since it is the consumer of the events which emitted by CEP. Go to the <CEP_HOME>/samples/LogService consumers/axis-log-service and run ant -DsampleNo=0111. Then it will deploy the logging service.
Go to the management console and select the Try this service option . (Main --> Services )
Then you will redirected to a UI shown below, then change the endpoint and body as shown below and click on send.
Endpoint -
Body -Code Block <body> <events> <event> <metaData> <api>API-1</api> <api_version>version</api_version> </metaData> <payloadData> <requestTime>56783</requestTime> <apiPublisher>publisher1</apiPublisher> <hostName>localhost</hostName> </payloadData> </event> </events> </body>
From the terminal opened in step 2, you can the processed events which emitted by CEP.
For example, given below is part of the console output of the consumer when sending events through Try-it service.