Versions Compared


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Follow the instructions below to set up a remote H2 database.


2. Go to the $H2_HOME/bin directory and run the H2 network server starting script.


$H2_HOME is the installation directory of H2.


1. Edit the default database configuration defined in the  master-datasources.xml  file located at  $CARBON$PRODUCT_HOME/repository/conf/datasources directory instance as follows. Both the database configurations in  registry.xml  and  user-mgt.xml  refer this data source.


The configurations should be replaced with your own database name, username, and password.


  • url - The URL of the database.
  • username - The name of the database user.
  • password - The password of the database user.
  • driverClassName  - The class name of the database driver.
  • maxActive - The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool at the same time or negative for no limit.
  • maxWait - The maximum number of milliseconds that the pool will wait (when there are no available connections) for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception, or <= 0 to wait indefinitely.
  • minIdle - The minimum number of active connections that can remain idle in the pool, without extra ones being created, or 0 to create none.

Setup Drivers


The H2 database version h2-1.2.140 and the related H2 database driver are currently shipped with the WSO2 BPS.


1. Delete the following H2 database related JARs. Some of them may already be excluded from the configuration.

  • $CARBON$PRODUCT_HOME/repository/components/plugins/h2-database-engine_1.2.140.wso2v3.jar


2. Copy the new H2 database driver (org.h2.Driver) to $CARBON$PRODUCT_HOME/repository/components/lib. You can find the required driver JAR in $H2_HOME/bin/h2-*.jar.


1. Tables can be manually created by logging into the created database and running the following script in H2 shell or web console.


Use the ./ command to start the web console. After that copy the script text from the SQL file, paste it into the console and click "Run."
