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  1. Start BAM without a port offset.
  2. Configure a port offset of 10 for AS.
  3. Deploy the SalesData.aar file on app server.
  4. Download and unzip BPS.
  5. Copy the bpsConfigure the bam publisher extension in the bps.xml file to the repository/conf directory of bps.
  6. Configure a port offset of 5 in carbon.xml for BPS.
  7. Upload BPEL process to BPS.
  8. Now click on the services list and try the KPISampleProcess request.

    Code Block
    <p:KPISampleProcessRequest xmlns:p="">
    	<brand xmlns="">samsung</brand>
    	<quantity xmlns="">1</quantity>
    	<total xmlns="">500</total>
    	<user xmlns="">test</user>
  9. Send a few request to the BPS process. It would publish this data and the fault data received from salesdata service to BAM.
  10. Commence Configuring KPI Monitoring.
    1. Log into BAM,
    2. Install KPI_Phone_Retail_Store toolbox.
    3. The hive script will be executed in three minute intervals. Hence after some time, you can visit the dashboard to see the visualizations generated based on data sent to the BPEL process.
  11. Conduct Fault Monitoring. In order to monitor the fault information, do the following: 
    1. An additional hive script should be added to BAM in the analytics section and select Add
    2. Copy and paste the hive script from phone_retail_sale_post_error_script to the text area and save the script.
    3. Execute the script. It generates the fault Summary table which contains the processed fault information.
  12. Generate the visualiser gadgetthe visualizer gadget
    1. Go to the Tools menu and select Gadget Gen Tool and configure the data source.
      The URL to be used is jdbc:h2:/home/nandika/insqp/bpssetup/wso2bam-2.0.0/<BAM_HOME>/repository/database/samples/WSO2CARBON_DB;
      configure <BAM_HOME> according the directory where your bam is located.
    2. Specify the path according to your setup.
    3. The driver class name is org.h2.Driver.
    4. The username and password is wso2carbon.
    5. Click Next.
    6. Specify the SQL statement.
    7. Select faultCode and faultCount from faultSummaryYou can view the result set from preview SQL results section.
  13. Now the gadget generator shows the UI elements. Select your options and configure the gadget. Fault Against is the fault code that can be configured with this gadget. Once the gadget is configured, copy the gadget URL.
  14. Click the Add Gadget tab and add the gadget to the portal by pasting the gadget URL obtained from the Gadget Gen Tool.
  15. Now it should show the graph that was constructed with the Gadget Gen Tool.
  16. The constructed sample gadget processfault.xml is also uploaded.