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The following are additional configurations that you need to set when using GCE:
Table of Contents

Create a GCE service account

 Follow the instructions below to create a GCE service account:
  1. Navigate to the Google Developers Console.

  2. Anchor
    Create a project in GCE. 
    This will give a project ID for the project. In this case the project ID is as follows: ultra-component-108507

  3. Create a service account.
    Every GCE account has a service account that is used for authentication purposes and to enable advanced features. Follow the instructions below to create a service account.

    1. On the APIs and auth menu, click Credentials.
    2. Select the JSON option.
    3. Anchor
      Click Create to create the service account. 

      This will download a JSON file containing the following: private key, client email, client ID etc.

Adding a firewall rule

Either edit the default firewall rules or add a new firewall in GCE. By default, incoming traffic from outside is blocked. 
