Former user
Oct 22, 2015
Download the Private PaaS cartridges from the product page.
Navigate to the <PRIVATE-PAAS-CARTRIDGES>/wso2esb/4.8.1/docker directory.
cd <PRIVATE-PAAS-CARTRIDGES>/wso2esb/4.8.1/docker
Run the file to build the Docker image.
This will copy the plugins and the template module to the Docker image.
List the Docker images.
docker images
Example response format: If you have successfully build the Docker image, you will get the following as the response:
wso2/das 3.0.0 ac57800e96c2 2 minutes ago 777.6 MB
Save the new image to a .tar file.
For example:
docker save myppaasimage > /tmp/myppaasimage.tar
Copy the Docker image to the Kubernetes minion nodes.
scp <IMAGE_NAME>.tar core@<NODE_IP>:
scp myppaasimage.tar core@
Execute the kubectl get nodes command to get the IP address of the Kubernetes nodes.
kubectl get
SSH into the Kubernetes node using one of the following commands:
ssh core@<NODE_IP> or vagrant ssh node-01
Load the .tar file to the Kubernetes node.
docker load < <LOCATION_OF_OF_TAR_FILE>
docker load < /tmp/myppaasimage.tar
If there is more than one Kubernetes node, repeat step 4, 5 and 6 for the remaining nodes.