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Code Block
# configuration details of WSO2 Elastic Load Balancer for more info on how it works, refer to:
# for more info on how to set it up, refer to:
loadbalancer {

    # minimum number of load balancer instances 
    instances 1;

    # whether autoscaling should be enabled or not.
    enable_autoscaler   false;

    #please use this whenever url-mapping is used through LB.
    #size_of_cache 100;

    # End point reference of the Autoscaler Service
    autoscaler_service_epr  https://{host_address}:{https_port}/services/AutoscalerService/; 

    # interval between two task executions in milliseconds 
    autoscaler_task_interval 25000;

    # after an instance booted up, task will wait maximum till this much of time and let the server started up
    server_startup_delay 100000; #default will be 60000ms
    # session time out
    session_timeout 90000;
    # enable fail over 
    fail_over true;

# services' details which are fronted by this WSO2 Elastic Load Balancer
services {
    # default parameter values to be used in all services
    defaults {
        # minimum number of service instances required. WSO2 ELB will make sure that this much of instances
        # are maintained in the system all the time, of course only when autoscaling is enabled.
        min_app_instances       1;

        # maximum number of service instances that will be load balanced by this ELB.
        max_app_instances       5;

        # Please refer to the blog post
        # to get to know the importance of following properties.
        queue_length_per_node   3;
        rounds_to_average       2;
        message_expiry_time     60000;

    appserver {
        # multiple hosts should be separated by a comma.
        hosts         ,;
    #when using url mapping, url_suffix will be required. hosts should be read first before url_suffix, 
    #in order to construct the host vs url-suffix pairs, hence keep the logical order to of hosts and url_suffix as it is.                                
        domains   {
            wso2.as1.domain {
                # for more info on Tenant aware load balancing please refer to 
                tenant_range    1-100;
            wso2.as2.domain {
                tenant_range    101-200;
            wso2.as3.domain {
                # all tenants other than 1-200 will belong to this domain.
                tenant_range    *;

    esb {
        # multiple hosts should be separated by a comma.
    hosts         ;
        domains   {
            wso2.esb.domain {
                tenant_range    *;

    governance {
        hosts         ;
        domains   {
            wso2.governance1.domain {
                tenant_range    1-100;
            wso2.governance2.domain {
                tenant_range    101-200;
            wso2.governance3.domain {
                tenant_range    *;

    identity {
        hosts         ;
        domains   {
            wso2.identity1.domain {
                tenant_range    1-100;
            wso2.identity2.domain {
                tenant_range    101-200;
            wso2.identity3.domain {
                tenant_range    *;