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Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes
<nodeID>In a clustered deployment, a ID is assigned to each MB node via the cluster node identifier. This element can be used to override the cluster node identifier for this MB node. If the value for this element is left as default, the default node ID is generated using the IP (Internet Protocol) and UUID).StringdefaultN/AMandatoryThe node ID of each member in a cluster should be unique.

Apache Thrift is embedded in WSO2 MB and is used for communications related to message delivery. In each MB node of a cluster, the value for this property (thrift server host) should be the IP address of that respective node.

Note: One of the nodes in an MB cluster will be used as the coordinating MB node at server startup. The Thrift server configured for the coordinating MB node will serve as the central Thrift server, which will be used by all nodes in the cluster to consume thrift services. The coordinating MB node may switch to another node in the cluster in case the current coordinator becomes unavailable.

<thriftServerPort>This should point to the port of the Apache Thrift server in WSO2 MB.String7611N/AMandatory
<thriftServerReconnectTimeout>The number of seconds taken by the thrift server to reconnect after a time out.Integer5N/AMandatory
<thriftSOTimeout>This is used to handle half-open TCP connections between the broker nodes in a cluster. In such situations, the socket may need to have a timeout value to invalidate the connection (in milliseconds). A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. You can set this value to 180000 milliseconds in order to handle a high number of half-open TCP connections.Integer0N/AOptional

