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Element/Attribute NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes
<bindAddress>The IP address to which all transport listeners are bound (e.g. amqp and mqtt listeners).IntegerThe IP of the resident node MandatoryThis is the address exposed from the server and not the host name inferred from carbon.xml.
<defaultConnection>This element is used to specify default values with regard to the connection of the transport. It contains the enabled and port attributes.     
enabledIf the value is true, the relevant transport is enabled for WSO2 MB.Booleantruetrue/falseMandatory 
portThe default listening port for messages/commands from the MB server via the relevant transport.Integer5672   
This element is used to specify default values with regard to the SSL (Security Sockets Layer) connection of the transport. It contains the enabled and port attributes.     
If the value is true, SSL is enabled for WSO2 MB.Booleantruetrue/falseMandatory 
portThe default listening SSL port for messages/commands from the MB server via the relevant transport. This port is used only if the enabled attribute of the sslConnection element is set to true.Integer8672 Mandatory if SSL is enabled. 
<keyStore>This element contains parameters relating to the keystore directory which include location and password. See the section on working with security for details on keystores.     
<location>The path to the keystore directory. See the section on working with security for details on keystores.Stringrepository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jksrepository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jksMandatory 
<password>The password for the key store.Stringwso2carbonwso2carbonMandatory 
<trustStore>This element contains parameters relating to the truststore which include location and password.     
<location>The location of the truststore.Stringrepository/resources/security/client-truststore.jks   
<password>The password for the truststoreStringwso2carbon   
