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SAML2 relying party components are not shipped with the default Carbon distribution. However, these bundles are packages that can be installed as a feature, which is available in the online-hosted P2 repository. Therefore, it is possible to install this feature with minimal effort through the Carbon Feature Manager.1.

  1. Add the WSO2 online P2 repository as a new repository. Usually, the hosted P2 repository is available at this URL:


  1.  Learn how to add a repository to the Identity


  1. Server here.


  1. Search for the word "authenticator." Select "SAML2 SSO Authenticator" from the result and click "Install."


  1. See Installing Features.

Step 2

Configuring the Carbon Server to use the SAML2-based authentication instead of default username/password-based authentication


This can be configured in the the ($CARBON_HOME)/repository/conf/advanced/authenticators.xml file file.

This file will contain configurations for different authenticators. By default, it is shipped with a sample configuration for SAML2 SSO authenticator and requires minor modifications to prior to setup.

Code Block
<Authenticator name="SAML2SSOAuthenticator">
            <Parameter name="LoginPage">/carbon/admin/login.jsp</Parameter>
            <Parameter name="ServiceProviderID">carbonServer</Parameter>
            <Parameter name="IdentityProviderSSOServiceURL">https://localhost:9443/samlsso</Parameter>
  • Priority - This is the priority level of the authenticator. In the Carbon Runtime, the authenticator with the highest priority will be picked up. This value should be greater than 5 in order to supersede the default username/password-based authenticator.
  • Parameter LoginPage - This is the default login page URL of Carbon. All requests coming to this page will be intercepted for authentication. It is not necessary to change this value from the value given in the sample configuration.
  • Parameter ServiceProviderID - This is the unique identifier for the Carbon Server in an SSO setup. This value should be used as the value of the issuer in the Identity Server configuration.
  • Parameter IdentityProviderSSOServiceURL - This is the Identity Server URL to which the users will be redirected for authentication. It should have this format: https://(host-name):(port)/samlsso.

Step 3

Configuring the Identity Server as the Single Sign-On provider

Finally, you need to configure the Identity Server to act as the Single Sign-on provider. Each relying party should be registered as a service provider at the Identity Server-end. Following The following is a sample configuration for registering a Carbon server as a service provider.1.

  1. Specify the "Issuer." This should be equal to


  1. the ServiceProviderID


  1.  value mentioned in


  1. the authenticators.xml


  1.  of the relying party Carbon server.


  1. Specify the "Assertion Consumer URL." This is the URL to which the browser should be redirected after the authentication is successful. It should have this format: https://(host-name):(port)/acs.


  1. Select "Enable Assertion Signing" to sign the SAML2 Assertions returned after the authentication. SAML2 relying party components expect these assertions to be signed by the Identity Server.


  1. Select "Enable Single Logout" so that all sessions will be terminated once the user signs out from one server.


  1. Image Added

Instructions on how to configure Single Sign-On across different Carbon Servers.