WSO2 BPS is powered by Apache ODE and available under Apache license v2.0, one of the most business-friendly licenses available today. It executes business processes written using WS-BPEL, the de-facto standard for composing multiple synchronous and asynchronous web services into collaborative and transactional process flows, which increase the flexibility and agility of your SOA.
WSO2 BPS provides a complete, Web-based graphical user interface to deploy, manage and monitor business process and process instances, making it simple and easy-to-use. Developed on top of the award-winning WSO2 Carbon platform, WSO2 BPS is based on the OSGi framework and facilitates modularity and easy provitioing through simple, point-and-click feature installation. It can be easily customized or enhanced to suit changing business needs, making BPS the lean yet complete, future-proof middleware innovation for business process management.