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Introducing the Sample

This sample demonstrates the use of a SOAP message with an attachment and XML-binary optimized packaging.

Building and Running the Sample    

Using Maven  

1. Install and run the WSO2 Application Server. Refer to the Installation Guide Installing Features for instructions.  

2. From the base directory of this sample ( <CARBON_HOME>\samples\Jaxws-Jaxrs\ mtom_jaxws) , the maven pom.xml file can be used to build and run the sample using either UNIX or Windows.


  • mvn -Pdeploy (deploys the generated WAR file on WSO2 AS with related logs on the console)
  • mvn -Pclient (runs the client)

Using Apache Ant  

1. Run "ant" on  <CARBON_HOME>\samples\Jaxws-Jaxrs\ mtom_jaxws directory to deploy the " mtom_jaxws" service on the server.


5. Try the sample with different QoS options which appear on its dashboard. Run "sh -help" for different options.
