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Adding a New Workflow Template

A workflow template defines a configurable flow. It is an abstract representation of a workflow. You can add a new template by creating a custom bundle as below and copying it to repository/components/dropins folder.

First, you need to create a SampleTemplate class which extends AbstractTemplate class. The following methods should be overridden:

  • getInputData() :  Provides the parameter definition required by the template.

  • getTemplateId() : Should return the template Id which should be unique

  • getName() : Returns a user friendly name for the template. This will be the name shown at the admin UI

  • getDescription(): Returns a description about this template

Following is a sample class written for a multi step approval template. 

Code Block
public class SampleTemplate extends AbstractTemplate {

    public SampleTemplate(String metaDataXML) throws WorkflowRuntimeException {

    protected InputData getInputData(String parameterName) throws WorkflowException {
        return null;

    public String getTemplateId() {
        return TEMPLATE_ID;

    public String getName() {

    public String getDescription() {
        return DESCRIPTION;

The configurable details of the template such as “Template ID”, “Template Name”, “Template Meta Data”, etc. should be separately defined in xml file like below.

Code Block
<met:MetaData xmlns:met="">
        <met:TemplateDescription>Sample Template</met:TemplateDescription>
        <met:ParametersMetaData xmlns:met="">
            <met:ParameterMetaData Name="UserAndRole" InputType="Multiple_Steps_User_Role" isRequired="true">
                <met:DisplayName>User and Role</met:DisplayName>

The finally in the service component, we need to register this template at activation. We can do this as follows.

Code Block
bundleContext.registerService(AbstractTemplate.class, new SampleTemplate(readFileContent(Constants.TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_METADATA_FILE_NAME)), null);

 Now we need to add a concrete implementation of this template.

Adding a Workflow Template Implementation


The template implementation defines how the template should be deployed and executed. Optionally you can write this as a separate bundle and copy into repository/components/dropins folder. 

The implementations can be written by extending the AbstractWorkflow class. The following methods should be overridden: 

  • getInputData() :  Returns a parameter definition required by the template implementation 

Following The following shows a sample class written for a sample template. 

Code Block
public class SampleTemplateImplementation extends AbstractWorkflow {

    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SampleTemplateImplementation.class);

    public SampleTemplateImplementation(Class<? extends TemplateInitializer> templateInitializerClass,
                                        Class<? extends WorkFlowExecutor> workFlowExecutorClass, String metaDataXML) {
        super(templateInitializerClass, workFlowExecutorClass, metaDataXML);

    protected InputData getInputData(ParameterMetaData parameterMetaData) throws WorkflowException {
        InputData inputData = null;
        if (parameterMetaData != null && parameterMetaData.getName() != null) {
            String parameterName = parameterMetaData.getName();
            if ("BPSProfile".equals(parameterName)) {
                inputData = new InputData();
                MapType mapType = new MapType();
                Item item = new Item();
                mapType.setItem(new Item[]{item});
            } else if ("HTSubject".equals(parameterName)) {
                inputData = new InputData();
                MapType mapType = new MapType();
                Item item1 = new Item();
                Item item2 = new Item();
                mapType.setItem(new Item[]{item1, item2});
        return inputData;

    public void deploy(List<Parameter> parameterList) throws WorkflowException {

The configurable details of the template implementation such as “Template ID”, “Template Implementation ID”, “Template Implementation Meta Data”, etc. should be separately defined in xml file like below. 

Code Block
<met:MetaData xmlns:met="">
        <met:WorkflowImplDescription>Sample Workflow</met:WorkflowImplDescription>
            <met:ParameterMetaData Name="BPSProfile" InputType="Select" isRequired="true" isInputDataRequired="true">
                <met:DisplayName>BPS Profile(Server Profile Name)</met:DisplayName>
            <met:ParameterMetaData Name="HTSubject" InputType="Select" isRequired="true" isInputDataRequired="true">
                <met:DisplayName>Task Subject(Approval task subject to display)</met:DisplayName>

Finally, in the service component, we need to register this template at activation as follows. 

Code Block
bundleContext.registerService(AbstractWorkflow.class, new SampleTemplateImplementation(BPELDeployer.class, RequestExecutor.class, readFileContent(Constants.WORKFLOW_IMPL_PARAMETER_METADATA_FILE_NAME)), null);

Now when adding a new workflow, you will get a drop-down menu to select which template to follow in that workflow. 


Source of the sample which used for this documentation can be found here.