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To co-relate request and response JMS messages, the ESB uses a JMS correlation ID internally. For more information, refer to section 

Since this is a two-way invocation, the inSequence does not have the following configuration : <property action="set" name="OUT_ONLY" value="true"/>. 

Response The response queue name is defined using transport.jms.ReplyDestination parameter in the JMS connection URL.

JMS Synchronous Invocations : Quad Channel JMS-to-JMS

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Diagram 5 : Quad-channel JMS synchronous invocations


The following example code shows configuration of WSO2 ESB for quad-channel JMS synchronous invocations.




Code Block
titleExample Code 5
<proxy name="QuadJMS" transports="jms">
              <property action="set" name="transport.jms.ContentTypeProperty" value="Content-Type" scope="axis2"/>
                      <address uri="jms:/BEReq?transport.jms.ConnectionFactoryJNDIName=QueueConnectionFactory&amp;                 java.naming.factory.initial=org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory&amp;java.naming.provider.url=tcp://localhost:61616&amp;transport.jms.DestinationType=queue&amp;transport.jms.ReplyDestination=BERes"/>
      <parameter name="transport.jms.Destination">ClientReq</parameter>