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The following information concerning writing custom mediators implementations is available:


MessageContext Interface
Code Block

package org.apache.synapse;

import ...

public interface MessageContext {

     * Get a reference to the current SynapseConfiguration
     * @return the current synapse configuration
    public SynapseConfiguration getConfiguration();

     * Set or replace the Synapse Configuration instance to be used. May be used to
     * programmatically change the configuration at runtime etc.
     * @param cfg The new synapse configuration instance
    public void setConfiguration(SynapseConfiguration cfg);

     * Returns a reference to the host Synapse Environment
     * @return the Synapse Environment
    public SynapseEnvironment getEnvironment();

     * Sets the SynapseEnvironment reference to this context
     * @param se the reference to the Synapse Environment
    public void setEnvironment(SynapseEnvironment se);

     * Get the value of a custom (local) property set on the message instance
     * @param key key to look up property
     * @return value for the given key
    public Object getProperty(String key);

     * Set a custom (local) property with the given name on the message instance
     * @param key key to be used
     * @param value value to be saved
    public void setProperty(String key, Object value);

     * Returns the Set of keys over the properties on this message context
     * @return a Set of keys over message properties
    public Set getPropertyKeySet();

     * Get the SOAP envelope of this message
     * @return the SOAP envelope of the message
    public SOAPEnvelope getEnvelope();

     * Sets the given envelope as the current SOAPEnvelope for this message
     * @param envelope the envelope to be set
     * @throws org.apache.axis2.AxisFault on exception
    public void setEnvelope(SOAPEnvelope envelope) throws AxisFault;

     * SOAP message related getters and setters
    public ....get/set()...


The second key interface for mediator writers is the Mediator interface.

Code Block

package org.apache.synapse;

import org.apache.synapse.MessageContext;

 * All Synapse mediators must implement this Mediator interface. As a message passes
 * through the synapse system, each mediator's mediate() method is invoked in the
 * sequence/order defined in the SynapseConfiguration.
public interface Mediator {

     * Invokes the mediator passing the current message for mediation. Each
     * mediator performs its mediation action, and returns true if mediation
     * should continue, or false if further mediation should be aborted.
     * @param synCtx the current message for mediation
     * @return true if further mediation should continue
    public boolean mediate(MessageContext synCtx);

     * This is used for debugging purposes and exposes the type of the current
     * mediator for logging and debugging purposes
     * @return a String representation of the mediator type
    public String getType();

     * This is used to check whether the tracing should be enabled on the current mediator or not
     * @return value that indicate whether tracing is on, off or unset
    public int getTraceState();

     * This is used to set the value of tracing enable variable
     * @param traceState Set whether the tracing is enabled or not
    public void setTraceState(int traceState);


The ListMediator Interface
Code Block

package org.apache.synapse.mediators;

import java.util.List;

* The List mediator executes a given sequence/list of child mediators
public interface ListMediator extends Mediator {
    * Appends the specified mediator to the end of this mediator's (children) list
    * @param m the mediator to be added
    * @return true (as per the general contract of the Collection.add method)
    public boolean addChild(Mediator m);

    * Appends all of the mediators in the specified collection to the end of this mediator's (children)
    * list, in the order that they are returned by the specified collection's iterator
    * @param c the list of mediators to be added
    * @return true if this list changed as a result of the call
    public boolean addAll(List c);

    * Returns the mediator at the specified position
    * @param pos index of mediator to return
    * @return the mediator at the specified position in this list
    public Mediator getChild(int pos);

    * Removes the first occurrence in this list of the specified mediator
    * @param m mediator to be removed from this list, if present
    * @return true if this list contained the specified mediator
    public boolean removeChild(Mediator m);

    * Removes the mediator at the specified position in this list
    * @param pos the index of the mediator to remove
    * @return the mediator previously at the specified position
    public Mediator removeChild(int pos);

    * Return the list of mediators of this List mediator instance
    * @return the child/sub mediator list
    public List getList();


FilterMediator Interface
Code Block

package org.apache.synapse.mediators;

import org.apache.synapse.MessageContext;

 * The filter mediator is a list mediator, which executes the given (sub) list of mediators
 * if the specified condition is satisfied
 * @see FilterMediator#test(org.apache.synapse.MessageContext)
public interface FilterMediator extends ListMediator {

     * Should return true if the sub/child mediators should execute. i.e. if the filter
     * condition is satisfied
     * @param synCtx
     * @return true if the configured filter condition evaluates to true
    public boolean test(MessageContext synCtx);
