- Deploy the rule service through the BRS management console. You can follow either of the two methods:
- Bundle all artifacts in an .aar file and upload it (Rule Service -> Upload menu).
- Create using the Rule Service wizard UI (Rule Service -> Create menu).
The above steps are discussed in detail in section Exposing Rules as Services.
- After deployment, click on List under Services in the main tab of the management console. The service will appear in the Deployed Services page.
- Click OrderApproval to access the dashboard of the service.
- Click Try this service in the Client Operations widget of the dashboard to invoke the Try-it tool.
Issue a request similar to the following in the Try-it tool.
Code Block language xml <price>10</price> <quantity>9</quantity> <symbol>IBM</symbol>
You would get the following response:Code Block language xml <orderReject> <reason>An Order for stocks of IBM is accepted only if the number of stocks is higher than 10.</reason> </orderReject>
Enter another request as follows:
Code Block language xml <price>120</price> <quantity>100</quantity> <symbol>SUN</symbol>
You would get the following response
Code Block language xml <orderAccept> <message>Accepted order for: 100 stocks of SUN at$ 120.0</message> </orderAccept>
Enter another request as follows:
Code Block language xml <price>50</price> <quantity>160</quantity> <symbol>MSFT</symbol>
You would get the following result:Code Block language xml <orderReject> <reason>An Order for stocks of MSFT is accepted only if the stock price is higher than 50 $ and the number of stocks is lower than 200.</reason> </orderReject>
Alternatively, you can use Generate Axis2 Client link in the
Client Operations
widget of the dashboard to invoke the service. A client using generated stub codes is shown below where the codes were generated with the Unpacks the data binding classes check box checked.Code Block language xmljava package testorg.wso2.comcarbon.orderapprovalsamples; import org.wso2.carbon.samples.orderApprovalService.order.OrderAccept; import org.wso2.carbon.samples.orderApprovalService.order.PlaceOrder; import org.wso2.carbon.samples.orderApprovalService.order.PlaceOrderE; import org.wso2.carbon.samples.orderApprovalService.order.PlaceOrderRespone; import org.wso2.carbon.samples.orderApprovalService.stub.OrderApprovalServiceCallbackHandler; import org.wso2.carbon.samples.orderApprovalService.stub.OrderApprovalServiceStub; import java.rmi.RemoteException; public class /*PlaceOrderTestCase { public static *void OrderApprovalServiceStub java implementationmain(String[] args) { */try { OrderApprovalServiceStub orderApprovalServiceStub = public class OrderApprovalServiceStub extends org.apache.axis2.client.Stubnew OrderApprovalServiceStub("http://localhost:9763/services/OrderApprovalService"); { PlaceOrderE placeOrderE = protected org.apache.axis2.description.AxisOperation[] _operationsnew PlaceOrderE(); //hashmaps to keep the fault mapping private java.util.HashMap faultExceptionNameMap PlaceOrder placeOrder = new java.util.HashMapPlaceOrder(); private java.util.HashMap faultExceptionClassNameMap = new javaplaceOrder.util.HashMap(setSymbol("Company A"); private java.util.HashMap faultMessageMap = new javaplaceOrder.util.HashMapsetPrice(150); private static int counter = 0 placeOrder.setQuantity(128); private static synchronized java.lang.String getUniqueSuffix(){ PlaceOrder[] placeOrders = new PlaceOrder[1]; // reset the counter if it is greater than 99999placeOrders[0] = placeOrder; if (counter > 99999){placeOrderE.setOrder(placeOrders); PlaceOrderRespone placeOrderRespone counter = 0null; //new PlaceOrderRespone(); } try { counter = counter + 1; placeOrderRespone return java.lang.Long.toString(java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis()) + "_" + counter;= orderApprovalServiceStub.placeOrder(placeOrders); } catch private void populateAxisService() throws org.apache.axis2.AxisFault (RemoteException e) { //creating the Service with a unique name _service = new org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService("OrderApprovalService" + getUniqueSuffix()e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch addAnonymousOperations();statement use File | Settings | File Templates. //creating the operations org.apache.axis2.description.AxisOperation __operation;} _operations = new org.apache.axis2.description.AxisOperation[1]; OrderAccept[] orderAccepts = placeOrderRespone.getOrderAccept(); String result = orderAccepts[0].getMessage(); __operation = new orgSystem.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperation(out.println(result); } catch (Exception e) { __operation.setName(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("http://com.test/orderApproval", "placeOrder")); _service.addOperation(__operation); e.printStackTrace(); } } }