HL7 Transport supports the following in "Axis2 Transport HL7" feature version 4.0.0 onwards.
HL7 Conformance Profile Support
The service-level parameter "transport.hl7.ConformanceProfilePath" points to a URL where the conformance profile XML can be found.
HL7 Message Pre-Processing
An implementation of the interface "org.wso2.carbon.business.messaging.hl7.common.HL7MessagePreprocessor" can be used to process raw HL7 messages before parsing them, so that potential errors in the messages can be rectified using it. The service-level parameter used to mention the implementation class is "transport.hl7.MessagePreprocessorClass".
Non-MLLP Transport and ACK/NACK Generation
When using a transport like HTTP, if you want to create an ACK/NACK message from an HL7 message in the flow, specify an axis2 scope message context property "HL7_GENERATE_ACK", and set its value to true. It ensures that an ACK/NACK message is created automatically when a message is sent out (using the HL7 formatter). By default, an ACK message is created. If a NACK message is required to be generated, the message context properties "HL7_RESULT_MODE" and "HL7_NACK_MESSAGE" have to be used.
Synchronization with Builder/Formatter
The transport listener/sender, message builder/formatter uses a common implementation of parsing/validation logic of HL7 messages. Set the Java system property "ca.uhn.hl7v2.llp.charset" to control the encoding type of incoming messages. More information about this configuration will be coming up soon.