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  1. Click on the Add Stationary Alert button. 
  2. Define a geo area.

    titleClick to see more information

    There are two ways to define a geofence area.

    • Draw area - Draw an area on the map to set the boundaries of the geofence.
    • Enter area - Enter a geoJSON containing coordinates to set the boundaries of the geofence. You can also import a geofence using this option.
    Draw area
    1. Click Draw Area.
    2. Select a shape (pentagon, square, or circle) on the drawing palette found on the left corner of the map.
    3. Select points on the map to draw a pentagon geofence, or click and drag to draw a square geofence.

    4. Enter the following details:

      1. Fence name - Enter an appropriate name for the geo area.
      2. Fluctuation radius - Specify a radius. The fluctuation radius is used to minimize the fluctuation effect of the device.
      3. Time - The device should be stationary for the number of seconds specified in this field to generate a pop-up alert.
    5. Do one of the following actions:

      1. Click Save to save your geofence.

      2. Click Edit to edit the geoJSON that is generated when you draw the geofence.
      3. Click Export to export the geofence and download a geoJSON file. You can use this file to import the same geofence to a different device.
    Enter area (Import area)

    To enter or import an area using a geoJSON, you have to first draw an area using the map, as shown above, and then export it.


    Entering an area using a geoJSON is particularly useful when you want to import the exact same geofence for another device or another system. You can draw the geofence in the first device and then copy over the same fence with the exact coordinates to define the same geofence for a different device.

    1. Draw an area using the map as shown above.
    2. Enter an appropriate name for the geofence and click Export. A geoJSON file will be downloaded on to your machine.
    3. Open the JSON file and copy the JSON code.
    4. Click Enter Area.
    5. Do one of the following to import the geofence:
      • Click Choose File and select the JSON file you exported in step b. Click Import.

      • Enter the JSON you copied in step c to define the geofence boundary and click Import.The code block below shows a sample JSON.

        Code Block
            "type": "Feature",
            "properties": {},
            "geometry": {
                "type": "Polygon",
                "coordinates": [


  1. Click on the Set Speed Alert button. 
  2. Specify a global speed limit (km/h). 

What's next?

You can customize the alert or set up the geo extension to send SMS/email alerts instead of pop-up alerts on the geo map. For more information on how to do this, see Extending and Customizing Location Based Services.