In addition to manually adding individual users, you can import multiple users in bulk if you have exported them to a comma-separated values (.csv) file or Microsoft Excel (.xls) file. It is possible to import the username and password directly from the CSV/Excel to the product. Other user attributes can be imported only if claim URls are defined for such attributes in the product. For example, consider that you have claim URls defined for your product as shown below. These will allow you to import the user's email address, full name, last name, given name and role in addition to the username and password.
The username, password and other attributes (claim URls) that you import should be given in a CSV file as shown below. Note that the first line of the file will not be imported considering that it is not a username.
- On the Users screen, click Bulk Import Users.
- Browse and select the file that contains the user data.
- Specify a default password to assign to all the users you are importing and click Finish. This password is valid for only 24 hours, so you should inform your users that they must log in and change their password within 24 hours.