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  1. Sign in to the API Publisher.

  2. Click ADD NEW API to create an API with the following information and then click Next: Implement > .

    Sample value
    ResourcesURL patterncurrent/{country}/{zipcode}

    Request types

    GET method to return the current weather conditions of a zip code that belongs to a particular country

  3. The Implement tab opens. Select Managed API, provide the information given in the table below and click Manage.

    FieldSample value
    Endpoint typeHTTP/REST endpoint
    Production endpoint

    You can find the Yahoo weather API's endpoint from Copy the part before the '?' sign to get this URL:

    To verify the URL, click the Test button next to it.

    Sandbox endpoint To verify the URL, click the Test button next to it.

  4. Click Next: Manage > to go to the Manage tab, provide the following information and click Save & Publish once you are done.

    FieldSample value
    Tier AvailabilityGold
    Keep the default values for the other attributes

  5. If you have not done so already, download and install the WSO2 API Manager Tooling Plug-in by following one of the two possible methods described in Installing the API Manager Tooling Plug-In. Start Eclipse by double clicking on the Eclipse application, which is inside the downloaded folder. 

  6. Start Eclipse based on your OS.


    Start Eclipse by double clicking on the Eclipse application, which is inside the downloaded folder.

    titleMac OS

    If you are running macOS Sierra, macOS High Sierra or a newer Mac OS, you should always run Eclipse everytime from the command line instead of double-clicking the Eclipse icon, because the security setting (i.e., the Anywhere option, which used to be available under System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General > Allow apps downloaded from) is not available in it.

    Follow the instructions given below to start Eclipse.

    1. Open a terminal and navigate to the <APIM_TOOLING_LOCATION>/ directory.

      Code Block
    2. Start Eclipse.

      Code Block
  7. Navigate to the Window menu, click Perspective, Open Perspective, and Other to open the Eclipse perspective selection window. 
  8. On the dialog box that appears, click WSO2 API Manager and click OK.
  9. On the APIM perspective, click the Login icon as shown below.
  10. On the dialog box that appears, enter the URL, username, and password of the Publisher server.
  11. On the tree view that appears, expand the folder structure of the existing API.
  12. Right-click on the in sequence folder and click Create to create a new in sequence.

    This is because you want the custom sequence to be invoked in the In direction or the request path. If you want it to be involved in the Out or Fault paths, select the respective folder under customsequences.


    Tip: If you prefer not to use the registry to upload the sequence or want to engage a sequence to all APIs in WSO2 API-M at once, you can do so by saving the mediation sequence XML file in the file system. See Adding Mediation Extensions for details.

  13. Name the sequence YahooWeatherSequence.
  14. Your sequence now appears on the Developer Studio console. From under the Mediators section, drag and drop a Property mediator to your sequence and give the following values to the property mediator. 


    The Property Mediator has no direct impact on the message, but rather on the message context flowing through Synapse. You can retrieve the properties set on a message later through the Synapse XPath Variables or the  get-property() extension function. In this sequence, you are using two property mediators and are setting a Synapse XPath variable and a get-property() function to the two mediators respectively to retrieve the properties set to the message context during the execution.

    Property NameNew Property
    New Property NameYQL
    Value TypeExpression
    Value Expression

    For the XPath expression, we take a query part in the Yahoo API's endpoint ( and concatenate the ZIP code and country to it using the synapse get-property XPath expression:

    Code Block

    Note that the full URL of the Yahoo endpoint of is*%20from%20weather.forecast%20where%20woeid%20in%20(select%20woeid%20from%20geo.places(1)%20where%20text%3D%22nome%2C%20ak%22)&format=json&

    and we are extracting the query part (q=) from the endpoint highlighted and provide the zip code and country with concatenation using the get-property Xpath to create the full URL of the endpoint.

    Property Scope



    Since this is a mediation level Property keep the Property Scope as Synapse. This is the default scope set when no Property Scope is defined.

  15. Similarly, add another property mediator with the following values. This is an HTTP transport property that appends its value to the address endpoint URL. Once you are done, save the sequence.

    Property NameNew Property
    New Property NameREST_URL_POSTFIX
    Value TypeExpression
    Value Expressionget-property('YQL')
    Property Scope



    Since this is a transport level Property you need to set the Property Scope as Axis2.

  16. Navigate to the File menu, and click Save to save the sequence.
  17. Right-click on the sequence and click Commit File to push the changes to the Publisher server.


    Alternatively, you can create a CAR file including the sequences and can deploy it in API Manager. For more information, see Deploying Composite Applications in the Server, which is in the WSO2 Administration Guide.

  18. Sign in to the API Publisher again, select the API that you created earlier, and click the Edit link right next to its name to go to the edit wizard. 
  19. Navigate to the API's Implement tab, select the Enable Message Mediation check box and select the sequence that you created for the In flow. Next, click Manage and Save & Publish the API again.


    Tip : It might take a few minutes for the sequence to be uploaded into the API Publisher. If it isn't there, please check again later.


    When selecting a mediator, make sure that it is a non-blocking mediator as blocking mediators are not supported in API Gateway custom mediations. For more details, see Adding Mediation Extensions.

  20. Sign in to the API Store, subscribe to the API that you just published, and generate the access tokens in order to invoke the API.
  21. Click the API Console tab of the API.
    It opens the integrated API Console using which you can invoke the API.
  22. Give the following values for the parameters and invoke the API. You can also give any other value of your choice.




    Note the response that you get as a JSON object from Yahoo.

    Code Block
      "query": {
        "count": 1,
        "created": "2017-05-04T12:49:03Z",
        "lang": "en-US",
        "results": {
          "channel": {
            "units": {
              "distance": "mi",
              "pressure": "in",
              "speed": "mph",
              "temperature": "F"
            "title": "Yahoo! Weather - Aromas, CA, US",
            "link": "*",
            "description": "Yahoo! Weather for Aromas, CA, US",
            "language": "en-us",
            "lastBuildDate": "Thu, 04 May 2017 05:49 AM PDT",
            "ttl": "60",
            "location": {
              "city": "Aromas",
              "country": "United States",
              "region": " CA"
            "wind": {
              "chill": "50",
              "direction": "245",
              "speed": "4"
            "atmosphere": {
              "humidity": "98",
              "pressure": "999.0",
              "rising": "0",
              "visibility": "7.5"
            "astronomy": {
              "sunrise": "6:9 am",
              "sunset": "7:58 pm"
            "image": {
              "title": "Yahoo! Weather",
              "width": "142",
              "height": "18",
              "link": "",
              "url": ""
            "item": {
              "title": "Conditions for Aromas, CA, US at 05:00 AM PDT",
              "lat": "36.878021",
              "long": "-121.618973",
              "link": "*",
              "pubDate": "Thu, 04 May 2017 05:00 AM PDT",
              "condition": {
                "code": "33",
                "date": "Thu, 04 May 2017 05:00 AM PDT",
                "temp": "51",
                "text": "Mostly Clear"
              "forecast": [
                  "code": "30",
                  "date": "04 May 2017",
                  "day": "Thu",
                  "high": "74",
                  "low": "55",
                  "text": "Partly Cloudy"
                  "code": "28",
                  "date": "05 May 2017",
                  "day": "Fri",
                  "high": "71",
                  "low": "53",
                  "text": "Mostly Cloudy"
                  "code": "30",
                  "date": "06 May 2017",
                  "day": "Sat",
                  "high": "65",
                  "low": "47",
                  "text": "Partly Cloudy"
                  "code": "12",
                  "date": "07 May 2017",
                  "day": "Sun",
                  "high": "62",
                  "low": "48",
                  "text": "Rain"
                  "code": "30",
                  "date": "08 May 2017",
                  "day": "Mon",
                  "high": "69",
                  "low": "46",
                  "text": "Partly Cloudy"
                  "code": "30",
                  "date": "09 May 2017",
                  "day": "Tue",
                  "high": "69",
                  "low": "48",
                  "text": "Partly Cloudy"
                  "code": "28",
                  "date": "10 May 2017",
                  "day": "Wed",
                  "high": "70",
                  "low": "52",
                  "text": "Mostly Cloudy"
                  "code": "30",
                  "date": "11 May 2017",
                  "day": "Thu",
                  "high": "72",
                  "low": "52",
                  "text": "Partly Cloudy"
                  "code": "30",
                  "date": "12 May 2017",
                  "day": "Fri",
                  "high": "72",
                  "low": "48",
                  "text": "Partly Cloudy"
                  "code": "34",
                  "date": "13 May 2017",
                  "day": "Sat",
                  "high": "71",
                  "low": "46",
                  "text": "Mostly Sunny"
              "description": "<![CDATA[<img src=\"\"/>\n<BR />\n<b>Current Conditions:</b>\n<BR />Mostly Clear\n<BR />\n<BR />\n<b>Forecast:</b>\n<BR /> Thu - Partly Cloudy. High: 74Low: 55\n<BR /> Fri - Mostly Cloudy. High: 71Low: 53\n<BR /> Sat - Partly Cloudy. High: 65Low: 47\n<BR /> Sun - Rain. High: 62Low: 48\n<BR /> Mon - Partly Cloudy. High: 69Low: 46\n<BR />\n<BR />\n<a href=\"*\">Full Forecast at Yahoo! Weather</a>\n<BR />\n<BR />\n(provided by <a href=\"\" >The Weather Channel</a>)\n<BR />\n]]>",
              "guid": {
                "isPermaLink": "false"
