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This section describes some recommended performance tuning configurations to optimize WSO2 MDM EMM 2.0.0. It assumes that you have set up WSO2 MDM EMM on Unix/Linux, which is recommended for a production deployment.

OS Level Settings

  • To optimize OS performance, increase the file descriptor count as follows in the /etc/sysctl.conf file of Linux. For more information, see Setting the file descriptor count.
    fs.file-max = 2097152

  • To alter the number of allowed open files for system users, configure the following settings in the limits.conf  Linux file, which is in the  /etc/security/ directory. For more information see,  Setting maximum open file descriptor limits .

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    * soft nofile 4096
    * hard nofile 65535

    Optimal values for these parameters depend on the environment.

  • To alter the maximum number of processes your user is allowed to run at a given time, configure the following settings in the  /etc/security/limits.conf file of Linux (be sure to include the leading * character). Each carbon server instance you run would require upto 1024 threads (with default thread pool configuration). Therefore, you need to increase the nproc value by 1024 for each carbon server (both hard and soft).

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    * soft nproc 20000
    * hard nproc 20000


If one or more worker nodes in a clustered deployment require access to the management console, you would need to increase the entity expansion limit as follows in the <MDM<EMM_HOME>/bin/wso2server.bat file (for windows) or the <MDM<EMM_HOME>/bin/ file (for Linux/Solaris). The default entity expansion limit is 64000.

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EMM Settings

  • Memory allocated for WSO2 MDM EMM can be changed by modifying the file, which is in the <MDM<EMM_HOME>/bin/ directory. For more information see, Setting JVM memory allocation limits for WSO2 MDMEMM.
    • The default setting for WSO2 MDM EMM 1.0.0 and later is as follows:
      -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
    • This can be changed to the recommended production level deployment settings as follows:
      -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m
    • Generally, at least 2 GB memory is recommended for production instances.
  • Increase the pool size of the database connections. We recommend having 200 connections per datasource in production instances. This can be changed by setting the <maxActive> property to 200 in the relevant datasources master-datasources.xml file, which is in the <MDM<EMM_HOME>/repository/conf/datasources/ directory.