Insert excerpt |
| Consent Management APIs for Berlin |
| Consent Management APIs for Berlin |
nopanel | true |
Localtabgroup |
Localtab |
| Code Block |
curl -X POST \
https://localhost:9446/consent/berlin130/payments/payments/sepa-credit-transfers \
-H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5Ad3NvMi5jb206d3NvMjEyMw' -k \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2017 15:02:37 GMT' \
-H 'PSU-GEO-Location: GEO:52.506931,13.144561' \
-H 'PSU-ID:' \
-H 'PSU-ID-Type: email' \
-H 'PSU-IP-Address:' \
-H 'TPP-Redirect-Preferred: true' \
-H 'TPP-Unique-ID: PSDUK-NCA-1' \
-H 'X-Request-ID: 99991c7e-ad88-49ec-a2ad-96ddcb1f7747' \
-d '
"instructedAmount": {"currency": "EUR", "amount": "123.50"},
"debtorAccount": {"iban": "DE40100100103307118608"},
"creditorName": "Merchant123",
"creditorAccount": {"iban": "DE02100100109307118603"},
"remittanceInformationUnstructured": "Ref Number Merchant"
}]' |
Localtab |
| Code Block |
"explanation":"SMS based one time password"
"explanation":"SMS based one time password"
} } } |
| Localtab |
| Code Block |
"iban":"DE40100100103307118608" },
"remittanceInformationUnstructured":"Ref Number Merchant",
} |
Retrieve payment consent resource
Retrieve Status of a payment consent resource
Reads the transaction status of the addressed consent resource.
GET /berlin130/payments/{payment-service}/{payment-product}/{paymentId}/status
Remove a consent resource
Deletes the consent resource with the given paymentId
DELETE /berlin130/payments/{payment-service}/{payment-product}/{paymentId}