- Navigate to the Identity Provider section under Main > Identity menu-item.
- Click Add.
- Provide values for the following fields under the Basic Information section:
Insert excerpt Adding and Configuring an Identity Provider Adding and Configuring an Identity Provider nopanel true Expand Twitter Configuration under Federated Authenticators.
Fill in the following fields details:Field Description Sample Value Enable This option enables Twitter to be used as an authenticator for user provisioned to the WSO2 Identity Server. Checked Default This options sets the Twitter to be used as the default authentication mechanism. If you have already selected any other Identity Provider as the default federated authenticator, selecting this option deselects it. Checked API Key This is the consumer key
generated at the Twitter application registration.wuerRmdgwlqX0oE1WNDdsh17o
API Secret This is the consumer secret
generated at the Twitter application registration.771tqnkpcbRyTBSCRQvVud1x8j1uQlCDpNZo3hRG0s4cEtsFky
Callback URL This is the Callback URL you entered at the Twitter application registration. This is the URL to which the browser should be redirected after the authentication is successful.
URL format:
The acs indicates the Assertion Consumer URL of the WSO2 Identity Server endpoint that accepts the responses sent by Twitter.
- Click Register.