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Comment: fix log rotation issue


Table of Content Zone

log4j configs

Follow the steps below to set up the correlation logs related to the database calls.

  1. Open the file in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf directory.
  2. Add the following code to it.

    Code Block
    # Appender config to put correlation Log.
    log4j.logger.correlation=INFO, CORRELATION
    log4j.appender.CORRELATION.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS}|%X{Correlation-ID}|%t|%m%n

Tomcat valve configs

Follow the steps below to set up the correlation ID mapping between the request database call and the response database call.

  1. Open the catalina-server.xml file in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/tomcat directory.
  2. Add the following value under the <Host> tag.

    Code Block
    <Valve className="org.wso2.carbon.tomcat.ext.valves.RequestCorrelationIdValve"
                           headerToCorrelationIdMapping="{'activityid':'Correlation-ID'}" queryToCorrelationIdMapping="{'RelayState':'Correlation-ID'}"/>

    This should be the first valve under the <Host> tag.


Table of Content Zone

Blacklisting the threads

Certain threads continuously print unnecessary logs. Blacklisting prevents the unwanted threads from printing logs thereby improving the readability of the logs.

Follow the steps below to configure thread blacklistingdenylisting.

  1. Open either of the following files in the <IS_HOME>/bin directory on a command prompt.
    1. For Mac/Linux: file
    2. For Windows: wso2server.bat file
  2. Add the following configuration as a system property.

    Code Block
    -Dorg.wso2.CorrelationLogInterceptor.BlacklistedThreads=threadName1,threadName2 \

    Make sure to add it before the org.wso2.carbon.bootstrap.Bootstrap $* line.


    This configuration is not required by default, as all unnecessary threads are already blacklisted denylisted by the MessageDeliveryTaskThreadPool thread. If the above configuration is added, the default value will be overridden.

  3. Restart the WSO2 IS server.

    Code Block
    sh -DenableCorrelationLogs=true stop
    sh -DenableCorrelationLogs=true start

Single header configs

By default, RequestCorrelationIdValve in the catalina-server.xml file in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/tomcat directory is configured to map to the value sent by the activityid header as the Correlation ID. You can change this by editing the RequestCorrelationIdValve by replacing the activityid with any other headerName that you will be sending.

Let's consider an authentication request that is sent with a new header configuration.

  1. Change the RequestCorrelationIdValve in the cataline-server.xml file to the value given below.

    Code Block
    <Valve className="org.wso2.carbon.tomcat.ext.valves.RequestCorrelationIdValve"
                          headerToCorrelationIdMapping="{'customHeader':'Correlation-ID'}" queryToCorrelationIdMapping="{'RelayState':'Correlation-ID'}"/>
  2. Restart the WSO2 IS Server.

    Code Block
    sh -DenableCorrelationLogs=true stop
    sh -DenableCorrelationLogs=true start
  3. To send the authentication request, execute the following cURL command.

    Code Block
    curl -v -k -X POST --basic -u <CLIENT_KEY>:<CLIENT_SECRET> -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -H "customHeader:correlationvalue" -d "grant_type=client_credentials" https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token

    Use the  client key  and  client secret  of the service provider you created after enabling product observability

  4. Open the correlation.log on a command prompt and notice the related logs.

    Code Block
    tail -f ../repository/logs/correlation.log

Multiple header configs

Even though the default configuration maps a single header to a single Correlation ID, it is possible to add multiple headers and map them to multiple Correlation IDs.

Let's consider an authentication request that is sent with multiple headers.

  1. Change the RequestCorrelationIdValve in the cataline-server.xml file to the value given below.

    Code Block
    <Valve className="org.wso2.carbon.tomcat.ext.valves.RequestCorrelationIdValve"
                          headerToCorrelationIdMapping="{'customHeader1':'Correlation-ID', 'customHeader2':'Second-Correlation-ID'}" queryToCorrelationIdMapping="{'RelayState':'Correlation-ID'}"/>
  2. Change the  log4j.appender.CORRELATION.layout.ConversionPattern  appender in the  file in the  <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/  directory as follows.

    Code Block
    log4j.appender.CORRELATION.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS}|%X{Correlation-ID}|%X{Second-Correlation-ID}|%t|%m%n
  3. Restart the WSO2 IS server.

    Code Block
    sh -DenableCorrelationLogs=true stop
    sh -DenableCorrelationLogs=true start
  4. To send the authentication request, execute the following cURL command.

    Code Block
    curl -v -k -X POST --basic -u <CLIENT_KEY>:<CLIENT_SECRET> -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -H "customHeader1:correlationvalue1" -H "customHeader2:correlationvalue2" -d "grant_type=client_credentials" https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token

    Use the  client key  and  client secret  of the service provider you created after enabling product observability

  5. Open the correlation.log on a command prompt and notice the related logs.

    Code Block
    tail -f ../repository/logs/correlation.log