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  1. Ensure that the following prerequisites are satisfied.
    • JDK 1.6.* or higher installed.
    • JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to <JDK_HOME>. For example, JAVA_HOME=c:\Program Files\java\jdk1.6.0_27.
  2. Download the API Manager Binary distribution from
  3. Extract the zip file to a folder which will be referred to as the <APIM_HOME> throughout the rest of this guide.
  4. Open a command prompt (or a shell in Linux) and go to <PRODUCT_HOME>\/bin directory.
  5. Start the API Manager server by executing (or wso2server.bat in Windows).
  6. The operation log keep running until the server starts, which usually takes several seconds. Wait until the server has fully booted up and displays a message similar to "WSO2 Carbon started in n seconds."


  1. Open a web browser and access the URL: https://localhost:9443/publisher.
  2. You should see the API Publisher log-in login screen. Type user/password as admin/admin and click Login button.Image Removed
  3. The API Provider home page opens with all created APIs listed. Since first-time users haven’t created any APIs so far, they will not see any APIs. Click on the Add button to open the Add New API window.
  4. As our first example, we are going to create an API named FindTweetsTestAPI, which is based on the on-line search YouTube functionality provided by Twitter ( Consumers of our FindTweets API will be able to search for Tweets by providing a keyword as the input. Our API will accept both GET and POST requests and the output will be an Atom feed.

    Enter following values into the respective fields of the Add New API form. In this example, we have not provided some fields which are optional.

    • Name: FindTweetsTestAPI
    • Context: /twitteryoutube
    • Version: 1.0.0
    • Appropriate image as the thumbnail
    • Endpoint:
    • Tiers
      : Gold, Silver, Bronze (select all 3 – this field supports multiple values)
    • Business owner: Bruce Wayne
    • Business owner e-mail:
    • Technical owner: Peter Parker
    • Technical owner e-mail:

  5. Click the Create button at the end of the form to save the API configuration. You will be taken back to the API Provider home page where the new FindTweets API TestAPI will be listed.
  6. By clicking the FindTweet API, you can open its Overview tab, which lists a summary of the information entered when creating the API. The page also has other tabs.


  1. To access the API Store, open a web browser and type the URL: https://localhost:9443/store. The FindTweets API TestAPI will be listed on the home page itself. Anonymous users also can access this API. To subscribe to an API, it is required to log in.
  2. Log in to the API Store using the default admin/admin credentials and click on the FindTweets API TestAPI to go to the API overview page. There you should be able to see the Subscribe option.
  3. To subscribe to an API, you should have an application in place. Select the DefaultApplication in the Applications drop down.
  4. The Tiers drop down lists all the tiers specified when creating the API. Select the Gold tier and click on the Subscribe button.

  5. Choose to proceed to the My Subscriptions page in the pop-up that appears.
  6. The DefaultApplication will be displayed there along with its subscription to the FindTweets APITestAPI.
  7. Click the Generate button to obtain a key for your application.


curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxx" http://localhost:8280/twitter/1.0.0/search.atom?q=wso2
Replace the 'xxxx' with the application key obtained earlier. If the right key is passed, the API Manager will route the call to '' and get you an Atom feed consisting of all the recent Tweets tagged with the keyword 'wso2'.You now have an introductory understanding of how to create and publish APIs through the API Publisher Web application, and how API consumers can use the API Store to subscribe to an API and invoke it. The proceeding chapters of this documentation provide detailed information on the API Manager, its components along with samples and tutorials.