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Endpoint ConfigurationDescription
Endpoint Suspend State

If you want to configure the suspension of an endpoint specifying error codes, maximum suspension time, suspension factors etc., you can use the endpoint suspension state in the Advanced Endpoint Configuration.

Error Codes: Error codes in the drop down list which need to make the endpoint suspension. If the selected error codes are received from the endpoint, the endpoint will be suspended. Specify the transport error codes where the endpoint suspension should be triggered. You can select single or error codes here.

Initial duration:The time duration for which the endpoint will be suspended, when one or more suspend error codes are received from it for the first time.


When creating (or updating) Failover endpoints through the Publisher UI (in the Implement tab), you need to go into this configuration box of each endpoint and specify a set of Error Codes for the endpoint to fail over on and take off the Initial Duration by setting its value to -1. 

Max duration: The maximum time duration for which the endpoint is suspended when suspend error codes are received from it.

Factor: The duration to suspend can vary from the first time suspension to the subsequent time. The factor value decides the suspense duration variance between subsequent suspensions.

Endpoint Timeout state

Configurations of retry, error codes and delays in terms of endpoint timeout can be configured with the endpoint timeout state in the Advanced Endpoint Configuration.

Error Codes: A list of error codes. If these error codes are received from the endpoint, the request will be subjected to a timeout.

Retries Before Suspension: The number of re-tries in case of a timeout, caused by the above listed error codes.

Retry Delay: The delay between retries in milliseconds.

Connection Timeout

Duration and the response actions after a connection timeout can be configured here in the Advanced Endpoint Configuration.

Action: Response action to be performed after connection timeout. You can select from Never Timeout, Discard Message, and Execute Fault Sequence. The default value is Execute Fault Sequence.

Duration: The time duration of connection timeout in milliseconds.


if you want to change the endpoint connection timeout duration globally affecting all APIs, do the following.

  1. Open the <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/ file. Change the value of the timeout as given below.

    Code Block
  2. Open the <ESB<APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/ file and change the socket timeout value.

    Code Block

Note that the socket timeout value should be greater than both the synapse global timeout and any endpoint timeouts given for your API.
