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To run WSO2 Enterprise Store (ES), you start the product server at the command line. You can then run the ES Publisher (Back Office), to configure and manage the store assets; while you can use the Store as an asset catalog. You can then run the ES Management Console to configure and manage the product. 


Starting the server


If you want your dynamic changes on asset type RXTs to take place as a hot deployment in ES, then first enable asset hot deployment before starting the server. For more information, see Asset Type Hot Deployment.

To start the server, you run <ES_HOME>/bin/wso2server.bat (on Windows) or <ES_HOME>/bin/ (on Linux/Solaris/Mac OS) from the command prompt as described below. Alternatively, you can install and run the server as a Windows or Linux service (see the related topics section at the end of this page).

  1. Open a command prompt by following the instructions below.
    • On Windows: Click Start -> Run, type cmd at the prompt, and then press Enter.
    • On Linux/Solaris/Mac OS: Establish an SSH connection to the server, log in to the text Linux console, or open a terminal window.
  2. Execute one of the following commands:
    • To start the server in a typical environment:
      • On Windows:  <ES_HOME>\bin\wso2server.bat --run
      • On Linux/Solaris/Mac OS:  sh <ES_HOME>/bin/

    • To start the server in the background mode of Linux: sh <ES_HOME>/bin/ start
      To stop the server running in this mode, you will enter: sh <ES_HOME>/bin/ stop

      • To provide access to the production environment without allowing any user group (including admin) to log into the Management Console:

        • On Windows: <ES_HOME>\bin\wso2server.bat --run -DworkerNode
        • On Linux/Solaris/Mac OS: sh <ES_HOME>/bin/ -DworkerNode

      The above is not available in ES.

    • To check for additional options you can use with the startup commands, type -help after the command, such as:
      sh <ES_HOME>/bin/ -help (see the related topics section at the end of this page).

  3. The operation log appears in the command window. When the product server has successfully started, the log displays the message "WSO2 Carbon started in 'n' seconds".


Accessing the ES Consoles

Once the server has started, you can run the ES Management Console, Publisher (Back-Office) Console or Store Console by typing its URL in a Web browser. For more information, see Accessing ES Consoles
