Versions Compared


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Please note that this page is still being updatedcontent is currently under review!

The instructions on this page take you through the steps for upgrading from MB 3.1.0 to MB 3.2.0. Note that you cannot rollback the upgrade process. However, it is possible to restore a backup of the previous database and restart the upgrade progress.


  1. Disconnect all the subscribers and publishers for WSO2 MB 3.2.0.
  2. Shut down the server.
  3. If you are using an Oracle database, run the migration script to update the database:
    1. Open a terminal and navigate to the <MB_HOME>/dbscripts/mb-store/migration-3.1.0_to_3.2.0 directory.
    2. Execute the following command: 
      • On Windows: oracle-mb.sql
      • On Linux: sh oracle-mb.sql 
  4. Download and run the migration tool:
    1. Download the migration tool.
    2. Unzip the file. The directory structure of the unzipped folder is as follows:


      |-- lib <folder>
      |-- <file>
      |-- <file>
      |-- README.txt <file>
      |-- org.wso2.carbon.mb.migration.tool.jar

    3. Download the relevant database connector and copy it to the lib directory in the above folder structure. For example, if you are upgrading your MySQL databases, you can download the MySQL connector JAR from and copy it to the lib directory.
    4. Update the file with the database parameters for your MB database. You can find the current configurations for the MB database in the master-datasources.xml file that is stored in the <MB_HOME_320>/repository/conf/datasources directory.
    5. Run the migration tool:

      1. If you are on a Linux environment, open a command prompt and execute the following command:

      2. If you are on a non-Linux environment, execute org.wso2.carbon.mb.migration.tool.jar manually.
  5. Start WSO2 MB 3.2.0.
  6. Reconnect all the publishers and subscribers to MB 3.2.0.
