Versions Compared


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The table below describes the information explained below:

ExchangeThe exchange to which the subscription is made. For queues, this is
Queue NameName of the queue subscription.
DestinationThe JMS destination represented by the queue.
DurabilityDetermines whether or not the queue is durable.
ActiveThe status of the subscriber. If a connection to the server exists, the status will be 'Active'.
Owned NodeThe node from which the subscription is made to the cluster. The IP address of the node is displayed.

In addition to the above, the number of messages tentatively pending for a subscriber are shown. While the subscriber is receiving messages, you can click Refresh to see the message count eventually decrease to zero.


Topic subscription can be management in the same way as queue subscriptions.


When you subscribe to a topic in tenants, give the subscription name with the tenant domain. For example, if the subscription name is subscription1 and the tenant domain is, give the the subscription name as follows: String subscriptionName ="";

Viewing Topic subscriptions
