Each lifecycle configuration contains one or more state elements. More information on lifecycle configuration and the various elements in it, can be found in Configuring Lifecycles.
The client-side scripting support is available for lifecycle state transition event. This can be done by adding something similar to the following under the state datamodel element.
Code Block |
<js><data name="transitionScripts"> <!--name - defines that this element contains the set of transition scripts. It is required to be set to 'transitionScripts'--> <js forEvent=""> <!--forEvent - defines the event that this script block will execute--> <console promoteFunctionfunction="myFunction">"> <!--function - defines the name of the function--> <script type="text/javascript"> myFunction = function() { // executable<!--contains the script--> } </script> </console> <server function=""> <script type="text/javascript"></script> </server> </js> </data> |
Here is an example on how to add an alert for for the state transition from Initialize
to Designed
make an redirection after a "Promote" is done in the default ServiceLifeCycle
1. Edit the existing lifecycle by adding the configuration below.
Code Block |
<aspect name="ServiceLifeCycle" class="org.wso2.carbon.governance.registry.extensions.aspects.ChecklistLifeCycle">.DefaultLifeCycle"> <configuration type="literal"> <lifecycle> <scxml xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/07/scxml" version="1.0" initialstate="Development"> <configuration type <state id="literalDevelopment"> <lifecycle> <datamodel> <data name="checkItems"> <state<item name="Initialize" location="/environment/init">Code Completed" forEvent=""> <!--<permissions> <permission roles=""/> </permissions> <validations> <validation forEvent="" class=""> <checkitem>Requirements Gathered</checkitem> <parameter name="" value=""/> <checkitem>Architecture Finalized</checkitem></validation> <checkitem>High Level Design Completed</checkitem></validations>--> </item> <js> <item name="WSDL, Schema <consoleCreated" promoteFunctionforEvent="myFunction"> </item> <script type="text/javascript <item name="QoS Created" forEvent=""> </item> myFunction = function() { </data> alert("Promoted Resource to Designed State");<!--<data name="transitionValidation"> <validation forEvent="" class=""> }<parameter name="" value=""/> </script>validation> </console>data> <data name="transitionPermission"> <permission </js>forEvent="" roles=""/> </state>data>--> <state name="Designed" location="/environment/design"><data name="transitionScripts"> <js forEvent="Promote"> <console function="doPromote"> <script type="text/javascript"> doPromote = function() { window.location = unescape("../listService/service.jsp?region=region3%26item=governance_list_services_menu"); } </script> </console> </js> <checkitem>Code Completed</checkitem></data> <checkitem>WSDL, Schema Created<</checkitem>datamodel> <transition <checkitem>QoS Created</checkitem>event="Promote" target="Tested"/> </state> <state nameid="Created" location="/environment/developmentTested"> <datamodel> <data name="checkItems"> <checkitem>Effective Inspection Completed</checkitem> <item name="Effective Inspection Completed" forEvent=""> <checkitem>Test Cases Passed</checkitem></item> <checkitem>Smoke<item name="Test Passed</checkitem> Cases Passed" forEvent=""> </state>item> <state<item name="TestedSmoke Test Passed" locationforEvent="/environment/qa"> <checkitem>Service Configuration</checkitem> </item> </data> </state>datamodel> <state<transition nameevent="DeployedPromote" locationtarget="Production"/environment/prod"> <checkitem>Service Configuration</checkitem><transition event="Demote" target="Development"/> </state> <state nameid="Deprecated" location="/environment/support" />Production"> <transition event="Demote" target="Tested"/> </state> </lifecycle>scxml> </configuration>lifecycle> </configuration> </aspect> |
2. After saving this configuration (See Adding Lifecycles), add the ServiceLifeCycle
to a Service (or any other resource/collection). See Managing Lifecycle.
You can add any valid executable JavaScript that is capable of performing some task that you require.
Excerpt | ||
| ||
Instructions on how to handle client-side scripting for lifecycles in the Governance Registry. |
<data name=
<!--name - defines that
element contains the set of transition scripts. It is required to be
set to
<js forEvent=
<!--forEvent - defines the event that
script block will execute-->
<console function=
<!--function - defines the name of the function-->
<script type=
<!--contains the script-->
<server function=
<script type=