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Static lifecycle configuration could  could be done either through the the GREG_HOME/repository/conf/registry.xml or  or through a resource. See See Managing Lifecycle.

The following configuration specifies the aspect aspect ServiceLifeCycle in  in the registry.


When you specify the lifecycle as an aspect in the registry.xml, it will not be listed under "Lifecycles" section.


The following should appear in the the registry.xml file file.

Code Block
<aspect name="ServiceLifeCycle" class="org.wso2.carbon.governance.registry.extensions.aspects.DefaultLifeCycle">
  	<configuration type="resource">/configurations/checklist</configuration>


The following should be the content of the the /configurations/checklist resource resource.

Code Block
            <scxml xmlns=""
                <state id="Development">
                        <data name="checkItems">
                            <item name="Code Completed" forEvent="">
                            <item name="WSDL, Schema Created" forEvent="">
                            <item name="QoS Created" forEvent="">
                    <transition event="Promote" target="Tested"/>
                <state id="Tested">
                        <data name="checkItems">
                            <item name="Effective Inspection Completed" forEvent="">
                            <item name="Test Cases Passed" forEvent="">
                            <item name="Smoke Test Passed" forEvent="">
                    <transition event="Promote" target="Production"/>
                    <transition event="Demote" target="Development"/>
                <state id="Production">
                    <transition event="Demote" target="Tested"/>


Code Block
<aspect name="" class="org.wso2.carbon.governance.registry.extensions.aspects.DefaultLifeCycle">
    <!-- name - used to give the name of the life cycle
         class -  gives the default life cycle class. This can be any class that extends an aspect -->
    <configuration type="">
        <!--type - can have either 'literal' or 'resource' as values -->
            <scxml xmlns=""
                <!--initialstate - defines the starting state of the life cycle and can not be null or empty-->
                <state id="">
                    <!-- state element - defines a life cycle state
                    id -  defines the name of the state-->
                        <!--contains 6 data elements that defines check items, transition validations, transition permissions
                        transition executions, transition UIs and transition scripts-->
                        <data name="checkItems">
                            <!--name - defines that this element contains the set of check items. It is required to be
                            set to 'checkItems'-->
                            <item name="" forEvent="">
                                <!--name - defines the check item name
                                    forEvent - de fines the set of transitions that this check item is required. Accepts a
                                    ',' separated list-->
                                    <permission roles=""/>
                                    <!--roles - defines the set of roles that has the ability to check/un-check this check item-->
                                    <validation forEvent="" class="">
                                        <!--forEvent - defines the event that the custom validation should be done
                                            class - defines the full qualified name of the custom validations class -->
                                        <parameter name="" value=""/>
                                        <!--name - defines the custom parameter name
                                           value - defines the custom parameter value-->
                        <data name="transitionValidation">
                            <!--name - defines that this element contains the set of transition validations. It is required to be
                            set to 'transitionValidation'-->
                            <validation forEvent="" class="">
                                <!--forEvent - defines the event that the custom validation should be done
                                    class - defines the full qualified name of the custom validations class -->
                                <parameter name="" value=""/>
                                <!--name - defines the custom parameter name
                                    value - defines the custom parameter value-->
                        <data name="transitionExecution">
                            <!--name - defines that this element contains the set of transition executions. It is required to be
                            set to 'transitionExecution'-->
                            <execution forEvent="" class="">
                                <!--forEvent - defines the event that the execution should be done
                                    class - defines the full qualified name of the execution class -->
                                <parameter name="" value=""/>
                                <!--name - defines the custom parameter name
                                    value - defines the custom parameter value-->
                        <data name="transitionUI">
                            <!--name - defines that this element contains a reference to a transition UI. It is required to be
                            set to 'transitionUI'-->
                            <ui forEvent="" href=""/>
                                <!--forEvent - defines the event that the UI should be displayed for
                                    href - the hyperlink of the page to open on the browser -->
                        <data name="transitionPermission">
                            <!--name - defines that this element contains the set of transition permissions. It is required to be
                            set to 'transitionPermission'-->
                            <permission forEvent="" roles=""/>
                        <data name="transitionScripts">
                            <!--name - defines that this element contains the set of transition scripts. It is required to be
                            set to 'transitionScripts'-->
                            <js forEvent="">
                                <!--forEvent - defines the event that this script block will execute-->
                                <console function="">
                                    <!--function - defines the name of the function-->
                                    <script type="text/javascript">
                                        <!--contains the script-->
                                <server function="">
                                    <script type="text/javascript"></script>
                    <transition event="" target=""/>
                    <!--event - defines the name of the transition event
                        target - defines the next state of the transition-->

The The lifecycle configuration gives  gives the user the ability to define custom validations. This can be done by providing a custom class for the the class parameter  parameter in the following element. The The class attribute  attribute in the above element should be filled with the full qualified name of the custom class. For example, org.wso2.carbon.governance.registry.extensions.aspects.DefaultLifeCycle.


The user can either use one of the Supported Standard Validators or implement the the org.wso2.carbon.governance.registry.extensions.interfaces.CustomValidations interface  interface which has the following structure. The values in the parameter elements are passed to the the init method  method of the custom class at runtime.


The user can either use one of the the Supported Standard Executors or  or implement the the org.wso2.carbon.governance.registry.extensions.interfaces.Execution interface  interface which has the following structure. The values in the parameter elements are passed to the the init method  method of the custom class at runtime.


The user can also define customized user interfaces to assist the transition operations. Please read about the the Default Transition UI.


The configuration model which was used in previous Governance Registry releases is still supported.

See also also Lifecycle Configuration Elements.


A description of a lifecycle configuration in the Governance Registry.