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Follow the instructions below to create an a database service instance.1.

  1. First,


  1. configure Storage Server to connect to your metadata repository


  1. . This can be done in <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/etc/rss-config.xml file. For example, the following sample configuration uses a MySQL database by the name


  1. rssdb


  1. as the metadata repository. This database is used to store all metadata related to each database accessed through this server instance, such as the users of a given database, time of creation, privilege templates of the users etc. 

    Code Block
    <!-- RSS database used to store database servers, database instance information, users etc.. -->
              <property name="url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/rssdb</property>
              <property name="user">root</property>
              <property name="password">root</property>


  1. The database user should have super admin privileges.


Only MySQL is supported at the moment as the metadata repository type. There will be support for Oracle, DB2 etc. as well as the in-built H2 database as the default metadata repository in a future release.



  2. The metadata repository should have a set of tables for metadata storage. Create these tables in the database mentioned in step 1 (


  1. rssdb


  1. in this example) by executing the script


  1. <PRODUCT_


  1. HOME>/dbscripts/mysql/wso2_rss_mysql.sql on the database.


  1. Log in to the Storage Server management console and select


  1. Database Server Instances


  1. in the


  1. Configure


  1. menu.
    Image Modified


  1. Click the


  1. Add Server Instance


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  1. link, fill in the details


  1. and click Save to complete.


  1. For example,
    Image Modified  


  1. FieldDescription
    Database Server Instance NameName of the database instance.
    Server Category
    • RDS - Use this option if your relational database server setup is in the Amazon cloud. 
    • Local - Use this option if your relational database setup is installed locally.
    TypeOnly MySQL is supported in this release. Support for Oracle, DB2 and other popular relational database management systems will be added in future releases.
    Administrative username and password 




  1. Click Save to complete. The new server instance appears as follows.

The server instance can be edited or deleted by clicking on the respective links associated with it. Using this database server instance, databases can be created in the Storage Server. For instructions, refer to section Relational Store Service.