Versions Compared


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  1. Open a command prompt:
    • On Windows, choose Start -> Run, type cmd at the prompt, and press Enter.
    • On Linux/Solaris, establish a SSH connection to the server or log in to the text Linux console.
  2. Execute one of the following commands, where <CEP_HOME> is the directory where you installed the product distribution:
    • On Windows: <CEP_HOME>/bin/wso2server.bat --run
    • On Linux/Solaris: sh <CEP_HOME>/bin/


      For additional options you can use with these startup commands, type -help after If you want to provide access to the production environment without allowing any user group (including admin) to log into the management console, execute one of the following commands.

      • On Windows: <PRODUCT_HOME>\bin\wso2server.bat --run -DworkerNode
      • On Linux/Solaris: sh <PRODUCT_HOME>/bin/ -DworkerNode

      If you want to check any additional options available to be used with the startup commands, type -help after the command, such as: 

      sh <PRODUCT_HOME>/bin/ -help.

The operation log appears. When the product server is running, the log displays the message "WSO2 Carbon started in 'n' seconds."
