Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The query used in this sample is as follows. It checks whether there is a withdrawal of more than 10000, in a day where the rest of the withdrawal amounts are less than 100.

Code Block
from every a1 = atmStatsStream[amountWithdrawed < 100]
-> b1 = atmStatsStream[amountWithdrawed > 10000 and a1.cardNo == b1.cardNo]
within 1 day
select a1.cardNo as cardNo, a1.cardHolderName as cardHolderName, b1.amountWithdrawed as amountWithdrawed, b1.location as location, b1.cardHolderMobile as cardHolderMobile
insert into possibleFraudStreamarrivals_stream#window.time(2 minutes)
select *
insert expired events into overdue_deliveries_stream;

from every arrivalEvent = arrivals_stream ->
deliveryEvent = deliveries_stream[arrivalEvent.trackingId == trackingId] 
    or overdue_delivery = overdue_deliveries_stream[arrivalEvent.trackingId == trackingId]
select arrivalEvent.trackingId as trackingId, arrivalEvent.customerName as customerName, arrivalEvent.telephoneNo as telephoneNo, deliveryEvent.trackingId as deliveryId 
insert into filter_stream;

from filter_stream [ isNull(deliveryId)]  
select trackingId, customerName, telephoneNo
insert into alert_stream;  


  • See Prerequisites in CEP Samples Setup page for generic prerequisites. (copy apache axiom.jar to <CEP_HOME>/samples/lib directory to send XML event types)
