IBM WebSphere MQ JMS event receiver is an internal event receiver that comes with WSO2 products by default. You can configure it with XML, map, JSON, and text input mapping types.
For instructions on creating an IBM WebSphere JMS event receiver, see Receiving EventsConfiguring Event Receivers.
Configuring adapter properties
Adapter Property | Description | Configuration file property | Example |
Topic/Queue Name | A valid name for the JMS topic/queue. WSO2 CEP/DAS sends and receives messages by subscribing to a topic or using named queues. | transport.jms.Destination | test_topic |
JNDI Initial Context Factory Class | JNDI initial context factory class. The class must implement the | java.naming.factory.initial | com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory |
JNDI Provider URL | URL of the JNDI provider. | java.naming.provider.url | file:/C:/JNDI-Directory |
The JMS connection password | A valid password for the JMS connection | transport.jms.Password | jms-password |
The JMS connection username | A valid username for the JMS connection | transport.jms.UserName | jms-user |
Connection Factory JNDI Name | The JNDI name of the connection factory. | transport.jms.ConnectionFactoryJNDIName | ivtQCF |
Destination Type | The sort order for messages that arrive on a specific destination. | transport.jms.DestinationType | topic/queue |
Enable Durable Subscription | Whether the subscription is durable or not. | transport.jms.SubscriptionDurable | true/false |
Durable Subscriber Name | A valid name of the durable subscriber (If any value added, Durable subscription will be enabled). | transport.jms.DurableSubscriberName | subscriber |
JMS Properties | Valid "property:value" pairs of Axis2 JMS properties (e.g. "property1: value1, property2: value2") For more information on Axis2 JMS properties, go to Apache AXIS2 Transports Documentation. | | SessionTransacted:false |