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This section describes how When using data services, the user may come across the need to transform the result as they wish. This is handled in WSO2 Data Services Server samples are deployed before running and testing themusing XSLT Transformation, where the user can define the transformation in xslt and provide the url of the transformation file in the result element.

Deploying and Running the



To build the samples sample you need Apache Ant build tool.

1. Install the WSO2 Application Server. See Application Server Installation for instructions.2Stop the currently running Data Services Server instance if any. This is recommended in order to clean the current sample database and redeploy the services.

2. Remove the current sample database and existing sample data services.

      # cd CARBON_HOME/samples
      # ant clean

3. In a command prompt, switch to the Chad directory.For example, cd <ASsample directory: <CARBON_HOME>\/samples\Chad3. From there, type ant to deploy all samples.

      # ant

4. Run Start the WSO2 Application Data Services Server start script. See Application Server Management Console for instructions. For instructions, refer to Installing and Starting DSS.


5. Check the WSO2 Application Server instance using this URL: https://localhost:9443/carbon.6Login to the Data Services Server Management Console. You now have the Chad sample data service deployed on WSO2 Application the Server. If you go to "the Deployed Services " window in the Application Data Services Serve Management Console, you will see the "Chad" service deployed.


should be able to see it.

The sample services can be run using the Tryit tool.

The Excel sample data service contains two operations "getProducts" to list all the products that are manufactured in the company, each result record will contain "ID" and "Name" fields. And "getProductClassifications" where to list all the products along with the classifications, which contains two result records which are "Name" and "classification".

Second operation's ("getProductClassifications") actual output has changed as "product-Name" and "product-classification" by using the xslt transformation.