Versions Compared


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This tutorial guides you on how to create a BPEL process and to assign a value in the request to the response using WSO2 Integration Studio. It walks you through the steps to demonstrate how you can assign the input string of the request message to the result string of the response message.


Follow the instructions below to deploy a BPEL Workflow.

  1. Open WSO2 EI Tooling and Integration Studio and save the BPEL Workflow you created.
  2. Right click on the name of the BPEL Workflow in the Project Explorer window, and click Export project as Deployable Archive.


    If you do not have the Project Explorer view, click Window → Show View → Other, select Project Explorer and open it.

  3. Click Browse, select a location to save the deployable archive file, which will be created, and click Finish.

    This creates the ZIP file in the location you specified. This archive file contains of all the artifacts of your BPEL Workflow for you to deploy it in the Business Process profile of WSO2 EI.


  1. Start the Business Process profile of WSO2 EI.

    titleOn MacOS/Linux/CentOS

    Open a terminal and execute the following command:

    Code Block
    titleOn Windows

    Go to Start Menu -> Programs -> WSO2 -> Enterprise Integrator 6.4.0 Business Process. This will open a terminal and start the business process profile.

  2. In a web browser, open the Management Console of the Business Process profile, and log in with the default credentials (username: admin and password: admin).
  3. Click Main → Manage → Processes → Add → BPEL, browse the ZIP file of the BPEL Workflow and click Upload.


    You can find sample BPEL package ZIP files in the <EI/HOME>/samples/business-process/bpel directory. Also, instead of using the Management Console, you can deploy a BPEL process manually by creating the <EI_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/bpel directory, and copying the ZIP file to it. For instructions on preparing the process ZIP file, see Preparing for Process Deployment.

  4. In the New BPEL Package window, browse and select the BPEL Package ZIP file and click Upload.

    You view the deployed BPEL process listed under the Deployed Processes as shown below.

    • Package Name:  The name of the package containing at least the deployment descriptor and one or more process definitions (BPEL), WSDL and XSDs.
    • Process ID: A unique ID to identify the deployed BPEL process.
    • Version: If a package with an existing name is uploaded, the processes in the package will be versioned. All old processes in the package will be retired and new version deployed. Since there is only package-level versioning available, the new package should include all the processes defined in the old package, even though you may only need to update a single process in that package. 
    • Status: Status of the process. Can be either “Active" or “Retired". 
    • Deployed Date: Date and time of the package deployment.
    • Manage: A newly-created process has status as “Active", which can be retired by clicking on the “Retire" link. Once a process is retired, a new instance of it cannot be created.

    If you do not view the new process, refresh the browser or click Main → Manage → Processes → List → BPEL.

titleUndeploying a BPEL Workflow

There are two ways to undeploy a BPEL Workflow.

  1. From the Management Console of the Business Process profile:
    1. Log in to Management Console, click Main → Manage → Processes →  List →  BPEL.
    2. Click the Package Name you want to undeploy.

    3. The Package Dashboard page appears. Click on the Undeploy link.
  2. By deleting the BPEL ZIP file from the file system. 
    1. Delete the BPEL package from <EI_HOME>/wso2/business-process/repository/deployment/server/bpel directory.
