Let’s try a simple scenario where a patient makes an inquiry specifying the doctor's specialization (category) to retrieve a list of doctors that match the specialization. The required information is stored in an H2 database that is shipped with this product. We will create a data service in the ESB profile of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (WSO2 EI), which will expose the information in the database, thereby decoupling the client and the database layer in the back end. The client will then communicate with the data service hosted in WSO2 EI to get the required information instead of communicating directly with the back end.
Start the ESB profile:
Panel borderColor #542989 bgColor #ffffff borderWidth 1 Localtabgroup Localtab active true title On MacOS/Linux/CentOS Open a terminal and execute the following command:
Code Block sudo wso2ei-6.45.0-integrator
Localtab title On Windows Go to Start Menu -> Programs -> WSO2 -> Enterprise Integrator 6.5.0 Integrator. This will open a terminal and start the ESB profile.