Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • <aspect>
  •       <configuration>
  •            <lifecycle>
  •                <scxml>
  •                     <state>
  •                          <datamodel>
  •                               <data>
  •                                     <item>
  •                                           <permissions>
  •                                                 <permission roles=""/>
  •                                           <validations>
  •                                                 <validation forEvent="" class="">
  •                                                       <parameter>
  •                                     <js forEvent="">
  •                                           <console function="">
  •                                                 <script type="text/javascript">
  •                                           <server function="">
  •                                                 <script type="text/javascript">
  •                                     <execution forEvent="" class="">
  •                                           <parameter name="" value=""/>
  •                                     <ui forEvent="" href=""/>
  •                          <transition event="" target=""/>


Sample Implementations


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XML Syntax 



The permissions element defines permissions for that specified action


and hold more than one child element which defines permissions. Under check items, the permissions element defines the users that have the capability of checking (check/uncheck) that check item. If a user does not have permissions to check a check item, then the management console will display that specific item in disabled mode. The idea behind this is to let the user know that there are some more check items in that state, but that he or she does not have permission to check them (so as to avoid user confusion).

Default Value 
Fixed Values 

This element doesn't have any attributes.

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<permission roles=""/>

This element is a child element of the permissions element and will define the roles that have permissions to do the specified action. Here, the attribute roles accepts a comma (",") separated list and these roles should be present in Governance Registry.
